starting new phd


I maybe need to start a new phd, because there are financial problems in my current institute. Do you know, if all the classes I took for my current phd (all the ECTs) in the first year of the phd programme can be transferred to the new institute? I mean if the phd is in the same area? Is common or not possible? I am rally thankful for any answers and still hope I can continue here, but who knows :(.


Hi AndreaB

While it is impossible to say with 100% what will or will not happen with any given institution in any given country, normally any successfully completed study can be transferred without any problems at all as Universities accept each others marks/grades across the board in most circumstances. Details of this should be in the application documents at the university you are going to apply to - usually there is a section for PhD/research applications about 'previous study' or 'previously completed research' - something to that effect.

What you may find is some loss of time/work switching supervisors as you bring your new supervisor up to date with what you have been doing - but this can be minimal if you can find a good fit at your new institution.


thank you for your reply, your message give me some relief, good to know that maybe not 2 years of my phd were for "nothing" (not meaning the experiences).