

After 4 long years, almost to the day, I am finally submitting my thesis! Just waiting for it to be finishing printing. I honestly didn't think this day would ever come.

Just wanted to post it here because I know that everyone can truly appreciate the amount of pain, sweat, tears and long hours in front of the computer that comes with writing the final thesis.

Best of luck!


Wow - well done for sticking it out and massive congrats for submitting! I am having a super rubbish thesis day and this is just what I needed to read. You have inspired me to keep going.

Hope you have lots of great things planned to celebrate such as not thinking about one topic every waking moment! Have fun, you deserve it :-)


well  done Martie, I am in the same situation as you have been may be two years ago. I am a working woman and its so hard for me to concentrate but I do not want to give up. in what field where you writing your thesis?


Pain, sweat, tears and long hours: yep, can relate to it all!

Congrats on submitting, you sound very happy indeed :-)


Well done! I remember how happy I was when I submitted my thesis. It's a lovely feeling.


Well done Martie! It is a long slog to submission and I hope that I am only weeks away myself. I can totally relate to your pain, sweat, tears and long hours as it is a labour of love, hate, frustration and at times enjoyment. This is the beginning of the final PhD journey - viva, maybe some corrections and award. Take a well earnt break!


Thank you everyone! My phd was in biology, thankfully we don't have a viva in my country. But I do have to wait for the examiners reports which usually at least request minor changes to the thesis.

Dunni, how exciting for you. You are so close. Take a little time for yourself each day in the last few weeks and don't let it stress you too much.

Slowmo & Nathalie, stick to it! There will always be the hard days but don't let it overwhelm and concentrate on the achievements that you've already made.

Best of luck to you all in your PhD and/or future careers!


you houououou this must feel realy great. oh i'm only at the beginning of my journey but someday after some years i hope i post here a similar post to urs Martie. now that all pain , sweat, tears and long hours are now over. i hope you take a good rest now. (up)


oh i wanted to write now that all pain , sweat, tears and long hours are, i hope you take a good seems my computer doesn't want to cooperate today.


Many many congratulations and let the celebrations begin :-)