Thank You!!


Hey guys,
I think today is roughly a year since joining this forum- I just want to thank you so so much for everything. In spite of finishing the PhD and getting a temp job, I still will visit this forum and help as much as I can. I'm also going through a rough personal time so if anyone is in the same boat feel free to share your thoughts and we can help each other out!! Have a lovely week :).


Hi Incognito
I hope things get better for you soon.
In the mean time, well done again on your PhD and getting a job - neither is an easy feat from reading people's experiences! :)


Hi Incognito. The temp job is great news, I saw your posts about getting work. I also really appreciate you still posting despite having finished, it's great to get old hats perspectives :D Sorry to learn you are having a rough time personally, it always seems the way doesn't it that when one part of your life sorts itself out something else slips, I hope it's all back on track soon.x


Thanks ladies (guessing you are both ladies :)) hope all is going well with you- great news is that I have a few people here supporting me so hope to ride it out promptly.


hi Incognito
hey thanks for sharing :-) I'm sure that things will get better for you on your personal side -- if you've hit rock bottom the only way to go is UP :-)

best of luck with the new job :-)

love satchi