The 1st year of the PhD


Hi Eddi,

recognise a lot what you are saying. I think it is common, if not the norm, that students feel ythat a lot of time is wasted, progress is minimal and set goals are not met. I found this intially very frustrating, as I am used to working in environment where there is very specific planning and a need for achieving goals (or at least try to). I learned that in academic circles everything takes ages, this is partially based on the need for reflection, partially on this particular culture. I found it useful to keep a log, this really help to see that you have made progress. Also putting in the date as part of the file name of each document written helps to monitor your achievements.


Thanks to everyone for the fantastically uplifting support. When I signed up to this forum, I had no idea just how supportive it would be. I've been trying to combat feelings of uselessness this week by doing other PhD stuff. When I've not been in the mood for research, I've been doing stuff like typing up my notes and organising my materials. I've been finding that this helps to feel as though I'm doing SOMETHING towards the PhD. It's been great to hear about your experiences, cheers for sharing!


This thread really strikes a chord with me. I started in October and have to say that ericonrhicam's post managed to sum up in words exactly how I'm feeling. I was floundering completely with both the practical and reading/writing side of things. Since Christmas the practical stuff is coming, slowly and I find I prefer it alot of the time as opposed to trying to read/write and not getting very far. I'm hoping that the other stuff will also come with time. It's definitely nice to know that other people feel the same way and at the moment my attitude is just to try not to stress too much about it and let it happen with time (soooo much easier said than done!) - not sure how benificial this is or whether it's actually just denial!


I'm feeling the exact same way, but have started to get some things down on paper, so to speak.

I keep meaning to write a diary but never get round to it - does everyone else find this very helpful??

My ideas are just a jumble of notes at the moment.


Thought I'd just let you all know that I had a good day today - but only 'cos I spent it collecting data! Perhaps I could just do the data collection and analysis and then employ a ghost writer to do the thesis!!


Yep--data collection is the best bit! It's a great feeling when you get home with a pile of articles and books. They then sit on your desk/floor for the next month collecting dust! I've collected so much that I've yet to get through, but it was satisfying to collect it.