The first day


Tomorrow is the first day that I'm meeting with my supervisor! I'm wondering what would happen and what should I expect from this meeting...Can anybody help me plz?


Good luck! it an interview, or have you already been given the post and you are just meeting informally? What is most important is to keep calm and have some questions to up on what they are researching in the group and be prepared about where to go at Uni (print a map of the Uni if it is your first time there, make sure you know how to get there etc)


Its not an interview, I'm already accepted. These are good tips, but I'm wondering if we talk about the project, if I should prepare myself to present sth...?


Hi and well done for embarking on a PhD journey. A similar thread was posted a while ago and I remember commenting on it then, so here is the link

I remember being rather nervous and a little intimidated by the magnitude of my up and coming studies, but to be honest I was put at ease and the meeting went really well. Not sure why I felt so worried when the whole proposal was mine and an externals idea lol. Hope this link is helpful!


Thank you! very good information! ;-)