The letters after your name bit


Sorry if this has been covered before - I am doing the titles pages for my thesis and wonder what order and which letters after my name should be included.

I have a B.Sc, a PGCE and an MA - should it be:
My name B.Sc, PGCE, MA (order in which I completed them)
My name B.Sc, MA, PGCE (most important first..?)
My name B.Sc, MA (leave out PGCE as it is not a degree, strictly speaking - though is a relevant qualification in terms of my thesis).



Hi Louisa

I think it's chronological - or that's how I think I'll do it eg B. Arts, M. Arts, PhD etc (altho that's not me!). So, yes, your 2nd option.



Yeah, looking at lecturers profiles, that seems to be how they do it, so second option!


======= Date Modified 08 Jan 2010 13:50:30 =======
I'm not including my degrees at all on the titles page. Is that normal to do? It doesn't seem to be in my discipline.


Same here, Bilbo :-)


Thanks for your replies - chronological then.

I am only including a list of degrees because the regulations for my uni say to do so - normally I wouldn't. BilboBaggins and Claudia maybe check the regulations for your uni?


Quote From louisa:

I am only including a list of degrees because the regulations for my uni say to do so - normally I wouldn't. BilboBaggins and Claudia maybe check the regulations for your uni?

I recently checked the regulations when I prepared my final draft (I'm submitting in just a couple of months time). No list of degrees to be included in my case.


No requirement from my uni to list letters after names on the thesis title page either. It never occurred to me that it might be a possibility anyway, my name was enough.