The waiting room in the PhD clinic


Depression, insomnia, lower back ache (from sitting in front of a computer), weight loss. I think a lot of the problems are due, as pointed out, to a lack of exercise. When I was working a full-time job I walked a lot during the day instead of plonking myself in front of a computer all day as is my PhD life.

Also, a big problem I've had is lack of routine. I'm always making timetables and trying to stick to them but sometimes you just can't write/read in the day.

Has anyone worked whilst studying? I've heard having some routine (non-PhD) really helps with health and PhD work.


Up until the middle of last week, I was working a full time job and doing PhD work ( via distance learning). It was a struggle to do the PhD work along with a job, but I do think it helped to keep a balance and perspective on things. I can see how doing a PhD full on can create the sorts of issues people are talking about--you get isolated and over-focussed, and that can lead to all kinds of problems.

While many might disagree, I think that SOMETHING besides a PhD in a routine, be it paid work, volunteer work, or even a regular exercise class you take at a gym, making sure to keep some kind of contact with people who do not understand your PhD and therefore you have to talk about other things, is essential to good mental and physical health.


I think you're right Olivia. I was doing the PhD full-time (very grateful for the funding and opportunity) but I think it has lead to all kinds of health problems (or at least didn't help).

Conversely, I completed my MA (full-time) whilst working part-time and found that that helped with productivity and provided balance.


Here are my health concerns: Back pain from sitting endless hours in the library and or at home on my desk, carrying heavy books to and from various libaries. Social isolation at times threatening to become depression. I do my best to eat well!


My hair falls out and I have quite a few white hairs.... strangely they wont fall out


i get the stiff back and shoulders, insomnia, depressive phases. some is more teaching-related than PhD (the teaching sometimes freaks me into insomnia, and marking essays should come with mental health warnings - it seriously messes my brain up!).
oh well. better do some work now...