Thoughts on this PhD project


Hey guys,

I've applied for a few PhDs and was on the phone with the supervisor of one project the other day and was invited for the interviews now.

Spoke to the Prof. for a good while. He told me everything about his research and projects and it sounds really interesting and I'd be happy to work in this section of life sciences.

I do have a concern though. He is about 40 yrs old and is only there in the college for roughly a year and I would be the first PhD student in his lab.
He told me thought that he had supervised a good few master's theses and they all got great marks (60-70%) (is that good?).
I told him that I'm looking for good supervision and he said that he really knows how to plan experiments and everything and just can't do the work himself since he's busy with lecturing and administration. So it seems he is good with supervision of projects.
Furthermore he has less than 15 publications out.

He seems like a really nice guy and I have a feeling that we would get along really great.
Just the thing with the "lonely" lab and the few publications make me a bit insecure.

What do you think about this situation?

Thanks a lot!



Hi Podge,

I am just over a year into my PhD with a supervisor who had never supervised a PhD before - in fact he has less experience in general than your propsective supervisor. In many colleges now having a main supervisor and a second supervisor is becoming the norm - particularly when the main supervisor has little experience. He should be being mentored by someone else anyway, if you're his first PhD student. Its part of the professional development that colleges all have to do now.

I have a main supervisor, and a second - She is very experienced and is there as oversight for both him and me -my subject is not her specialism but she's in the same general area and has got quite a few people through PhD's. On top of that, as part of my research involves qualitative research which is outside my main supervisors experience, I requested a special advisor for that part of my project and got one! Sounds complicated but I wanted to make sure I had the support I needed.

You need to keep in mind that this is your career, your three/four years work and your money - you are within your rights to demand what you think you need to get the best out of this experience- and to end up with a PhD!

If you go for an interview and you really like the research you'll be doing, and the environment you'll be doing it in then don't be put off - rather get a bit assertive. At interview (where there should be more than one person) ask about his experience and ask what structures they have to make sure you aren't going off track. Ask how the PhD is monitored.
The interview is a chance for you to work out if you fit as well.

Good supervision is about a number of things, some of the most experienced people are not great supervisors- they are too busy and you are only one of their many students. You may get more support from this guy because he's new.
I don't know when your interview is, but take a chance to read some of his work and to look at the nature of it to see if his type of work meshes with yours. The lack of publications could be because of the type of research he's been doing - if its long term then he can't publish until results are properly in. It is more important that he really understands what you want to do, and is excited about it - also if you feel at ease with him you will be able to demand attention from him when you need it.

I guess mainly my advice is- think about what you want, what help you think you will need and find out if they can offer it. Its better to find the right place to study, than to go for the place in front of you and find out in half way through that they can't offer you what you need to finish.

Good luck with the interview,



Hey Cobweb,

thanks so much for your great explanation!

I think he will be a good supervisor (at least I got the impression) and sure there will be a 2nd supervisor.
He works a lot with lab animals. Maybe that is the reason while he doesn't publish papers that often.
But with your thoughts you did assertain me and I'm not the insecure about the situation anymore.

The interview is on Thursday. Got the time and names of the board already.
Not sure how to prepare though.
I have the feeling that they want to hear what I want to research about and everything. Do they?
I'm only finishing my Master's now. I do know in which direction of research I want to go, but the very details?
What do they want to hear from me?

Any tips for the interview?

Thanks a lot!



Just had the interview. Have a really good feeling. The interview board was really nice and asked me great questions. No problems at all.
Also asked about the "First PhD student" problem and they said that the 2nd supervisor has a lot experience and they don't see any problems. Sounds great so!

Looking forward to hear from them now.

Thanks for your help.



Hi Podge
Congrats on a good interview!
when do you think they are gona let you know the results? And did they say they will email you or send a letter?



Hi Podge,

Glad it all went well and hope you get the place!



hey guys,

thanks. Got the spot. My supervisor mailed me an hour later that the head of department just talked to him that I got the spot! Really happy now. Really looking forward to London now ;)



Well done Podge congratss!!!! ;)