Want to do PhD in the immediate future but..


I have just completed a master's degree in rural development,an interdesciplinary subject. But,I want to do a PhD research on political economy of any form of underdevelopment,particularly digital divide from your country because my master thesis is about it. But,I lack both money and experience that are usually required for a PhD, although I have good acaemic qualification at master's level and other intellectual qualification. Could you please tell me, given my background, if it is possible for me to realize my dream for doing PhD in the immediate future?

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Funding is always dificult to get for international students wishing to study in the UK. You should try to find an academic in the UK working in your area of interest. Write to them for their opinion - it will be far more informed than the one we can give.


I am also desirous of pursuing a Ph.d, program. I am a management student from sri sathyasai institute of higher learning.I need a friend and a guide to help me find a path to pursue my dream.