What do PhD students wear?


I once left for work half asleep with my slippers still on. That was embarassing.



Im also a CASE student...I tend to wear smart clothes in the office...smart trousers, a smart black mak and proper shoes. I would feel more out of place if I wore jeans and tracksuit tops (Im the only PhD student in my department where my office is located). I constantly have to attend meetings (which go on for 3 hrs!!) and have managers etc coming into my office daily-so I would feel a little odd wearing really causal stuff.

I know other PhDs who live in Jeans and trainers, and don't have such strict departmental rules as me! (I've got to report my whereabouts every week, comply with 9-5 office ours etc).


Jeans/combats and some kind of music inspired tee!!!
I got asked for ID in the lounge the other day...DH reckons its cause I don't look old enough to be doing a PhD and still dress like an under grad!!!
Don't intend to change either!!!!


lol @ lr261 I did that when I was 10; realised on the bus to school that I still had my fluffy funny-looking slippers on. So I can still relate to your experience.