when is the latest you have heard about a interview?


I applied for a postdoc with the closing date of the end of August. I know that the interview date is the week after next (11 days time) but I still haven't heard back yet. Do you reckon I have missed the boat on this one and not made the final cut? Or do you normally find out closer to the interview date? It is actually quite dissapointing as I met most of the requirements - I suppose the fact that my phd is approaching completion and not completed counted against me :(


I applied for a job a month ago - telephone interview 2 weeks later, interview week after that and should be getting back to me in the next 8 days. I dropped out of my PhD, this isn't for a postdoc - no idea how long that should take.


I have applied for jobs which have advised that they will not contact anyone who is unsuccessful and therefore if you haven't heard within 6 weeks of the closing date you should assume that you will not be invited for interview. This seems a bit different seeing as the interviews are only 3 weeks or so after the closing date. It could be that they are deliberating over who is being invited for interview and they may well have been overwhelmed with applications. Try and stay positive and assume right now that no news is good news. Good luck with everything and fingers crossed you get the result you want.


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======= Date Modified 15 Sep 2009 10:31:25 =======
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