When to submit papers (Computer Science PhD)


Hi, I'm new, hello everyone :-)

Ok, I've been doing my PhD for a year, have just passed my transfer. My 3 month report (Lit review) did really bad - no research questions... my 9 month report (transfer report) did really well. It was the severe criticism in the 3 month report which put me on the right track.

Anyway, my supervisor has been suggesting that I start to think about submitting papers. My research doesn't seem (to me at least) to be mature enough yet though. When do PhD students usually expect to submit papers, after 12 months, earlier, later?




You will want to publish as soon as you can, so as soon as you have something publishable (in a credible journal) then go for it! Good luck with your manuscript preparation.


My supervisor started talking publications before I had even decided whether to accept the project/scholarship!

I think they mention it really early so you know how important it is and so you start your work with the goal of publishing the results in mind.

It feels great when your paper is accepted and it feels great the day it is available online. Go for it!


Forget maturity, if it meets the standard, then send it in.