Why are you doing a PhD?


This is probably a very stupid question, but here it goes.

I have had my heart set on the idea of doing a PhD for as long as I can remember. But recently people asked me why I actually want to do it and if I realise that 1) it's incredibly competitive; 2) it's expensive (especially since the Phd I'm looking at is not funded; and 3) even with a Phd, the jobs are not that well paid anyway.

To be honest, I don't know the answer to these questions. What would you answer?


I did it because I was interested in doing one. I got no pressure to get one and I actually enjoyed the process very much.

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Hi ZK, vesting my mind back many moons ago to when I first started/planning a PhD I can remember similar comments. It's tricky eh. For me, doing a PhD was not a rational decision, like you I did it because I felt I had to in my life some time, and I couldn't say why really. So I can understand the problem in trying to answer rational questions. People who say things like this don't tend to accept gut feeling as an answer either, in fact, they tend to think you're mad.

I ended up distancing myself from people who asked such questions. Either they saw how the PhD helped me become my authentic self (only one objector has done this - a very good friend), they've fallen out of my circle (most of them) or have just resigned to it and no longer say anything.

Luckily my family are mad and think doing a PhD is fabulous way to proceed! In fact the biggest problem with them has been jealousy from a parent, but that was very minor. I imagine it would be much harder if they weren't. I'm not sure how you'd deal with that. Maybe they'll see that it makes you happy and come around like my friend did. Good Luck!


Q. Why Are You Doing A PhD?
A. Because I am: intelligent, imaginative, methodical, confident, curious, argumentative, thorough, controversial, good at teaching myself, an independent thinker, stubborn, dedicated, pro-active, ambitious, prefer to control my own destiny, a good communicator, bored easy by traditional work, original, literate, dynamic, cynical, good at planning, want to be the best, self-motivating, visionary, can accept criticism, willing to learn from others, well organised, and have a thirst for knowledge, good concentration, a desire to make a difference, can admit mistakes, and prefer to control my own destiny.


I'm a learning addict ;-) plus it's more flexible and easier with the kids than when I was working and I'm better of financially as a student than when I worked full time and paid childcare!