Wise men once said!!!


um....after reading the messages on this forum.. for sometime now.. a thought struck me. in fact a question that is unanswered and pretty much evident on this forum. well it could be good if u guys give u r opinions or thoughts. It is just the way how we think and we think differently. Why do we defend our stand, what would we get by make other person loose in the verbal war..particularly in a public forum like this...someone on this forum has the name 'about2defend'which is interesting... wise men once said..."the best way to win an argument is to be quiet!!".. what do wise now say?? :-)

Comments please....




Being quiet doesn't have quite the same impact when you're not face to face with people! I think we just like to get our point of view across about a variety of issues, with a view to possibly educating others, or making them think about their life choices and principles/beliefs. Debate is entertaining and stimulating, so it probably brings some degree of pleasure to argue your case convincingly on this forum. "About2Defend" may well be the name chosen by someone who is having their viva shortly. Hopefully arguing points on this forum will provide good training for defending their thesis from the criticism of examiners!


oops! the thread is meant to be a light hearted discussion and no offense meant to any person in any way. Was thinking of it when I was reading the messages on the thread "Most impressive answer".

Nothing in particular to about2defend. I did think that the name could mean he/she is ready to defend his/her thesis.

Slyvester ...smart ..


As I said, I had no intentions to mean any offense to anyone. I was reading (in fact re-reading)the book " How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie and he says in that book . I was thinking, if we are queit how the hell will the other person know what you want to tell. I dint quite agree to his idea. So thought will ask the forum.

@ about2defend .. I honestly and completely appreciate what you are doing. It was just your name that caught my attention.