Working with Post doc



My supervisor has appointed a post doc from hell, this is his second posting at my University under different supervisors and different science research topics, but he is an arrogant son of a!!!

His reserach topic is very similar to mine, but he always has be in competition with me to get the correct results first to my supervisor, he talks to me crap, but this time I have stood my ground and wrote a stiff letter to my supervisor as well as talk to him about his behaviour. My supervisor is a very passive individual , who doesn't like conflict.

I feel being a woman scientist in a male environment is tough. Has anybodyu else felt like this.


Somebody I used to get on with has starting blanking me because they've found out I'm studying something in the same field as them (completely different topics though). Some people are very competitive when they find out they're doing similar research to someone else and its their insecurity that causes this behaviour - unfortunately they can't keep their 'issues' to themsleves and so they aim to out you down to make themsleves feel better.

I would try and avoid him at all costs -I know that is easier said them done - but he won't change and the best thing to do is not give him an opporutnity to discuss work with you outside the professional capacity as it will just wind him up and he'll start acting like a child again


I have never felt being female to be a issue, though I have had a similar-ish problem with a super-competitive woman. Though with her we soon figured out that the incredible levels of superciliouness and manipulation were designed to hide a total lack of inspiration and/or ability. But she would always try to gain unfair advantage and it was some time before people saw through it; in any dispute she always managed to convince people in authority that she was a victim. She would do her best to get an angry reaction from you and you just had to remain calm; but you shouldn't have to come to work to deal with someone sniping at you all day and then crying victim when you finally answer back. Grrrrrrrrrrr


Thank you both for your reply.

The reason the post doc was appointed because my supervisor is a chemist and my PhD has a substantial molecular biology/microbiology slant. The post doc has background in microbiology, so I'm a little reliant on him. I hate working with the post doc, as he's really rude and rubs everyone up the wrong way, he hasn't progressed much up the academic ladder because of his lack of people skills/emotional intelligence.

At the moment I'm trying to work independently and if I have any questions, I talk to people outside my lab. I can't wait to leave and finish this PhD


Well, if it'a any comfort it seems that most medium- to- large size- groups have a resident jerk. Its a shame that one person can sour an atmosphere.

I found a few websites that helped me deal with my jerk (typed in "difficult colleagues" into Google). A very good website is:

Even if you're not strictly being bullied, this website covers all kinds of awkward work situations. Helps you realise you're not alone, if nothing else.