would you quit your PhD?


TBH whilst calling myself 'Dr' wasn't the reason I signed up to this, it's probably the only thing that keeps me going some days


I agree. Not many would probably admit this, but calling yourself Dr is more important than one might expect.

I also think it's a good reward for all the pain and suffering.


Apollo, while I hate Gillian McKeith, I disagree about Paul McKenna. For several years he has been the main man of the Preston North End midfield, and any title he wants to use is fine by me.


are we talking about the same Paul McKenna? Hypnotherapist and book author?

The one I am talking about pretends to have a PhD and makes a lot of money.


No but you would never need to worry about funding for anything afterwards!!! Endless conferences, fieldtrips and you could actually get to do the stuff you want etc...