Would you rather be ...


They are out and about around the end of the summer. They make little nests close to the ground and can also spin little webs that catch the wind so they can fly about. To be honest, they are probably still about, but I don't spend so much time scrabbling about on the floor looking at creepy-crawleys.


Thanks Ed , certainly true this forum teachs us new things.


You're so right! I havent seen white dog poo for years!


DJW - I would rather be plum pudding because then I would be plump, yet firm, rich, yet full of fruity goodness, and a special treat to be cherished once a year at Christmas.

Custard tart is everyday, common and can look terrifyingly pus-like.


I used to play this game with my brother but the items you could be were generally not very nice.

Would you rather be a poo or a wee and why?


I'd rather be a wee, cos I'd like to be that fluid


Coming back to spiders, does everyone else find their house full of those big b*****ds round this time of year? I mean the 3-inch diameter ones that cast a shadow and can cross your bedroom floor in under 3 seconds?

I had a German flatmate who swore that she'd never seen such big spiders in Germany and that they must be exclusive to the UK, but I can't believe that.


H - my brother, sister and I used to play a similar game, but ours was what would you rather eat/drink? Again, the choices were always disgusting...sheep poo or cow poo, raw onion or raw garlic, off milk or mouldy cheese...the list is endless!


Can I make a seminal suggestion, and really 'think outside the box'? I think I want to be an Apple Crumble or a Rhubarb and Blackberry Pie.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Crunchy, Sweet and Bitter.