Writing up thesis


at times i feel i may not complete my writing up in time.get distracted because of this.any suggestions or advices from folks in here to stay on track
thanks and all the best


Hi, I am writing up too. I think most people probably, including myself feel as you do. I find that having discussion on my work or writing with my supervisor on a regular basis keeps me focused. I also have a thesis manager (this could be a close friend, a family member or partner)who checks on me on a daily basis. I hope this is helpful and good luck with your writing up.


I submit the job-lot in March. Can't effing wait.
Contact with supervisors in last 6 months: virtually nil.
Helpful advice/comments/feedback from all work sent: absolutely nil.

Fortunately this has always been my (sociology) baby, done my way, and I've always disagreed with the bulk of what they said in the early stages.

VIVA should be a blast "Always fight your supervisors", a great sociologist once said, "but be prepared when you do". I will be