You think it's all over...


Urgh... Dudes.. don't relax when you have passed your viva as it's not all over and there are still trials and tribulations to get over..

It took my internal examiner over FIVE weeks to send me my corrections and that's only due to the fact I pointed out to her that I won't have 3 months to edit them and resubmit as the cut off date is in June, if I want to graduate on the 26th June...

I did my corrections and sent them to her... I've waited 2 weeks and yesterday wrote a very polite email to her asking if I can get the go ahead to print and bind my final copies to give to the exmainations office.

I got an auto-response.. she is out of the office until the 9th of June.... my cut off date is the 18th and I work away from home (150 miles away) during the week and from the 13th -15th I'm in Amsterdam on business....


I have to graduate in June and I'm so, so annoyed that she's so awful at replying... I'm tempted to print out 2 copies = 700 pages, and then as soon as she says 'yes', get them bound.. if she says 'no, make more changes' I'll still get the 2 copies bound and make the changes on my laptop and send her the copies...

Am *so* annoyed - so yes... don't think it's all over, there are other things to worry about


This happens all the time doesn't it? I'm sure it happens to me because I'm not full time. I've waited three, getting on for four weeks now for one person to get back to my supervisor with comments on something that has to be in TODAY or it won't get looked at until September. Looks like it won't be getting in and I am sooo cross, others who are full time and getting funding are well on their way and I am just stuck waiting and I am paying for it myself, and what is more they know that I want to do a lot of work during the school hols as I have a very bust time coming up in September and won't have a lot of time to deal with other things.


I'll be putting in a formal complaint if I don't get an ok in the next couple of weeks - I doubt anything will be done about it, but I'm past the stage of having to arse kiss (not that I ever did that) or bow to anyone or 'worry' about my career... however I'm really hoping things get sorted. I emailed my first supervisor and bitched at him, saying this was totally unacceptable and the poor guy emailed back, CCing some woman saying 'This is urgent, contact X and tell her she needs to sort this out ASAP'

Bless him, he's in Bejing seeing his family and he's trying to help!

I'm sorry to hear you're having similar issues - my 2nd supervisor basically camped outside my internal examiners door and made her life hell until she sent me my corrections.. any chance you could get your supervisors to put on some more pressure?