I PhD student


Hello I am PhD student at university of bradford.I am looking for help to pay the fees .


Could you please specify your request?

What kind of help are you expecting?


You could get a part time job.. I know Bradford and there are loads of pubs and shops where you could get evening/weekend work.


er what sort of help!?


The course fees £10.310 per year.I am looking funding help .Sometimes i work parttime but still not enough to Accomidation.
I hope to find somebody help me at fees.


Cold comfort for Marhoun, but what kind of University lets a student start a course that they patently have no realistic possibility of paying for and accordingly completing. Surely some better checks should have taken place here.


You could switch to doing the PhD part-time, then it would make sense to work a part-time (or even full-time flexible hours) job, which would leave you with time to do the research. The fees would be more manageable each year (paying each term). I am a self-funding part-time PhD who is working a full-time job. It's difficult, but can be done.