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I Lost my Studentship!

i don't know how well phd students are qualified to answer this question, considering we are not the ones awarding the studentships. relatedly, i have never known anyone to get a second studentship. to be honest your experience does make you sound flaky in my very personal opinion. not specifically that you got ill, obviously, but that you accepted a phd clearly knowing that it was in another country, and clearly knowing that definite funding hadnt been sorted out for your partner, and knowing, well, that you were in a new place and probably would be lonely. it sounds like you hadnt really thought through the realities of this at the time. also going home when you are sick. it doesnt sound good - i'd hazard to guess that sponsors don't want someone who leaves the country two months at a time - and if you were really sick to justify absence then this sounds even stranger.

i think its also strange that you were devastated - surely you must had some inkling that they wouldnt be ok with this? i feel that thats a further sign that even a second phd wouldnt go well. again, in my very personal opinion.

maybe, if possible, a phd in your home country with your family and partner close by would suit you better.

Thinking of leaving before I'm in too deep

I wouldnt think too much about what people post on here about not finding jobs. The people that post on here are a particular kind of PhD student, most likely ones that need outside support and have some sort of issue. Many people don't use forums. And lot's of people in my department got something immediately after graduating, or before (Sociology), not many got a post-doc, but all got sth to tide them over til they found sth better. So don't make a decision because of the negativity (at times) on here.

Also it's no good to make a decision so quickly. I thought my dep was great, it took me a whole semester to find out it was crap. Give it a few months.

Do you have another hustle to fall into immediately? I've thought of quitting, but the reality is I would be immediately unemployed with no clear plan. Are you funded? If so, I'd stay. If not, it's a more complex issue.

My supervisor never criticises me!!!Advice?


I was wondering if anyone else had this issue - I feel a bit weird for bringing it up - but my supervisor never really criticises me. I get a lot of praise; that my work is 'innovative' and 'truly excellent' - she is known to be quite complementary. Once I queried her on it and she said I should take her praise seriously as with some people she feels she can never muster anything positive to say. However it makes me feel a bit paranoid and 'weak' - I've never had to defend my work to her (and I've also avoided conferences these part years because of lack of confidence, although I'm currently rectifying that). In a way its decreased rather than increased my confidence. I know its not really in her interests to build me up for no reason, but still I just wish I could take her praise and leave it at that.

I'm worried that I'm not getting enough practice for the viva or for defending my work more generally. Our department is total crap so I've never had the opportunity to even discuss my work with my peers. This only adds to my insecurity.

Has anyone had this experience? What do you do?

Thesis buddy in the same boat?


I'm in the fourth year of a Sociology PhD.

Advice please: ESRC funding finished...are there any organisations to apply for money?

Hi Everyone,

My ESRC funding finished this September. I thought that there were no organisations/trusts that would contribute towards this extra write up year, however I saw a thread that offered money for international fourth year students...does anyone know of anything for UK students? Is there something similar? I thought I would just have to apply for a loan, but obviously if there is any money to apply for I would prefer that!

Thank you for the advice!