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What Are You Researching???

i'm reseraching fliring/sexuality in the bar industry, in order to get a job in (style) bars you pretty much have to be hot and female then have to put up with lots of sexual advances/horseplay and leering drunken men. I did a year participant observation which just about killed me as i'm gettin on at 27 for barworld lol!

PhD Life and ....romantic and sex life....

i agree, i'm doing my phd on flirting in the bar industry (did a year participant observation lol)but i havent had a date in over a YEAR, ;( a YEAR!!! i was normal before i started this and i now have a cat and live on my own!! They should put a 'warning' label on PhD studentships. ah well i keep chanting 'just one more year and then i'll be happy' lol!

The most critical point in time...

i'm a huge fan of the power nap! i get the 2-3pm slump so i may as well sleep through it than stair at my screen then panick about how much work i'm not doing. I also had a 'im so depressed i want to quit and live a normal life' recently, in month 28 and had spent a month just sitting stairing into screen panicking about how much i had to do and how late my chapter was. i had an honest meeting with my super and she was great really supportive, i'm now slowly building up my confidence and speed so fingers crossed i'll make it..

I'm so lazy

thats me every day at the moment lol!

how old are all of you guys?

27, i was fairly youthful looking before i started this think and now 2 and a half years in i have grey hairs and dark circles!!

What is longest you have gone without doing work?

I think i've wasted about a year, (i'm in my 3rd)i have hardly done a thing for about a month and a half. i just sit and look up celeb gossip (girl porn) all day i've got to the stage where i have no motivation at all and am totally depresed with the whole thing. I need to write a chapter a month to finish by oct and i can hardly write 500words! All my field work is done (2 ethnographies)and i've written up one but i have a serious case of workorexia. any ideas how to fire up the motivation again?

dyslexic phd students...any out there?? is there such thing?

i'm also dyslexic and doing my phd in soc sciences, I also was only diagnosed in my 1st year of uni but it didnt affect me in my progress as i went on to get the only 1st in my year. I dont use any software or anything just spell check - i cannot spell to save myself but the only time it bothers me is when i'm teaching or marking essays as i spell the comments wrong! i take ages to read things and digest them properly but i've never really known any different and just get on with it,only thing to do i suppose! but see your student advisory service as they may give you software or advice that might help.

how long should results chapter be?

thanks all, had chat with my supers and it's fine - because it is a case study style phd the results are in 2 parts (case study 1&2)thanks for all replies

how long should results chapter be?

sorry i wasnt very clear i meant in total for example my lit review is at 30k, (but is 3 chapters) my methodology is 10k ish, my results or findings im thinking should be about 35k ish (but has two chapters as 2 case studies) and my analysis and conclusions bout 20ish does that sound about normal?

how long should results chapter be?

hey i'm doing my Phd in social sciences and am doing an ethnography. I'm writing up the results of the first of my two case studies, and was just wondering what the usual length of a results chapter is? i was thinking about 35K words in total? or is that too short...