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Chapter planning dread in the humanities - Advice?

One thing I have found which has helped me is making diagrams. I'm in humanities as well and found this is one of the best ways to see the path through my work, as visually each of the chapters is broken down and developed (Sometimes its nice to use it as an exercise to move theory in and out of certain chapters.)
Sit down, give each chapter a diagram, put in all the things you would like to / need to put into each chapter. Even at this stage it doesn't have to be your final chapters. You will find yourself looking at the greater picture of all your imagined chapters put together and thinking whether or not they are coherent. Things can move in and out, or into other chapters.

someone tell me its ok to give my supervisor crap work.

Its always good to be producing work, it might not be perfect but it can be worked on. See the work you give your supervisor as a collection of ideas in the best way you can display them. It doesn't have to be perfect, just coherent. It can be nice to get some feedback on this.

Caught in an inactive cycle PLEASE HELP!

Yeah I know, I think one of the main problems with a PhD is how lonely an experience it can be. Sometimes we watch our friends in their 'normal' jobs being paid more and having proper off time, where they aren't feeling guilty because they aren't working.I know my lack of self confidence is crippling me, yet I know when I'm motivated I feel much better in myself. Its such an odd experience.Its why forums like this are so wonderful, you think its just you...

Caught in an inactive cycle PLEASE HELP!

Hi all,
I'm having a really hard time recently, since the first portion of my second year sept/nov I was really productive and now I havent done anything in weeks. I feel there is no point, that I know nothing and that it is an impossible task. I can't seem to find any motivation and I'm worried about it all the time. Does anyone have any advice, please help I'd appreciate it!

2nd year misery

Hi all, I completely relate I've had a productive first segment of my second year and now I swear I am just crippled by the feelings that I don't know anything. Its nice to hear it isn't just me.