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Help on simplifying Grounded Theory

Yes thank you Ady for posting all of those really helpful references, I'm also using "an approach similar to GT" (!) so this has been really great! (up) thanks to the OP for starting the thread too! :-)

The One Goal Thread

Morning everyone!

Hope you're feeling better Batfink! And yes Wanderingbit, my least favourite part is writing lit reviews, I'm very much a practical person so I like to just get on with writing about the practical stuff! Good luck with your application phder!

Today I will be mostly getting on with my chapter, I have the following goals:

Goal 1: Complete section 1.2
Goal 2: Complete introduction to section 2
Goal 3: Attempt to ring doctor's surgery to make an appointment as I have developed quite bad hayfever in the last week or so and over the counter stuff isn't really getting rid of the worst symptoms of scratchy throat, itchy eyes and ears!

Hope you all have a good day :-)

The One Goal Thread

Ooh nightmares, I occassionally get them too, I think like you mine are triggered by stress and worry. They don't get any less frightening the older you get, do they?!

Hello Button! I'm kind of ambivalent about the heat to be honest, it's the sunshine that I enjoy more than anything. However, I've got Irish blood (and skin!) so I burn very easily! I shall be needing high factor SPF this weekend!

I've managed to finish the section of my chapter that I was working on, and I've updated my reference list accordingly so I am feeling a bit pleased now! I'm off to have lunch now then I'm going to go to that magical place - outside!

Have a good weekend everyone, see you all back here on Monday 8-)

The One Goal Thread

Well done Batfink, sounds like you had a cracking day yesterday! I love those days where it feels like you've really achieved something! We will crack this! :-)

It's so beautiful outside, apparently today is going to be the hottest day so far, then it will "cool down" (by 1-2 degrees!) over the weekend, so it's going to be open windows and fans on all the way if I'm not going to fall asleep by this afternoon!

My main goal for today is to work on section 2 of my chapter, then I would really like to get outside at some point today and do something active, as I've been sitting here at my desk since Tuesday which is not good for my brain or my waistline! I'm off on honeymoon soon so I want to lose some of the post wedding weight I've managed to collect!

Hope you're all having a good day (up)

The One Goal Thread

Hi Batfink,

It sounds like you've had a busy morning! I've managed to get section 1 completed, thank goodness! I've really really struggled to get back into a rhythm after getting all the negative feedback a week or two ago so I'm just really pleased that I've actually done something constructive today! I still feel really uncertain every time I write something but I'm just going to get on with it and see where it gets me!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all,

Hope you are all well this morning! I need to make some good progress today if I'm going to meet my deadline of submitting a draft thesis by the end of June. So I'm going to work on section 1 of Chapter 2 today and get as much done as I can. See you all later!

The One Goal Thread

Sounds very productive Button! My head does feel a bit better now thank you, I took some painkillers and sat in a cool quiet room until it went away! I think it is just the heat, I do love sunshine though! Makes everything seem better doesn't it!

I've got a few bits and pieces of admin to get on with this afternoon, and some housework, lucky me! Hope you have a good afternoon!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all,

I'm sure you'll be fine Batfink, I worried so much that I'd messed up my data collection and it's been fine! Well done Button for getting so much work done too!

I've woken up with a cracking headache this morning, probably from being overheated yesterday in my little office and being dehydrated! So I'll probably do some reading away from the screen for an hour or two until the headache subsides a bit.

Have a good day!

The One Goal Thread

I know the feeling Batfink! I can't wait to get this finished now, it's torture being stuck at my desk when it's so lovely outside! But I have made some progress today which is good, not as much as I would've liked but progress is progress in my book. Hope you've all had good days (up)

The One Goal Thread

Good luck Button! It is incredibly hard not to go outside and enjoy the sunshine! I've achieved goal 2 and I'm now working on goal 3, but I'm looking out of the window and wishing I was out there! Typically it has to be lovely weather when I must get cracking! Hope you're all having a good day!

The One Goal Thread

Don't be fooled Batfink, whilst I may seem like I'm getting lots of work done I still have lots and lots to do before I'll be allowed to submit! Including revising some of what I've already written!

And you're quite right - I think it is incredibly common for later stage PhD students to suffer with a lack of confidence. I think it's definitely more to do with the mindset at this stage and the ability to cope under pressure. It will be fine!

The One Goal Thread

Hello, I was in meetings yesterday and didn't get back until late. Good luck next week Skig, I'm sure you'll be fine! And Snelison, we all feel like (sprout) from time to time, some days definitely more than others! And Batfink, I know the feeling well, some days I am just cranky for no reason whatsoever, more so on (sprout) days than others, it has to be said!

I've achieved one goal today already (typing up minutes from yesterday).
So for the rest of the day:
Goal 2: re-plan (again!) the next 2 months
Goal 3: Work on Chapter 2. I am making woefully slow progress with it because I really hate these literature review chapters, I love practical, get stuck in chapters! Unfortunately my dislike does show in the poor quality of my writing :$ nevermind, I will persevere!
Good luck today my fellow PhDers!

Comments please

Stick to your guns Epic. I think this is them just trying to save themselves the hassle of trying to find you a new sup. You wouldn't have asked for help if you weren't suffering. Let us know how you get on!

The One Goal Thread


Not really Button, I've re-structured the flow of three chapters but I'm not sure how it's going to go down with my sup! Hopefully she'll have forgotten that it was her idea to write it in the way that isn't working!

So today I want to get the following achieved:

Goal 1: Go over new chapter structure and check it makes sense
Goal 2: Work on section 1 of chapter

Hope you're both having a good day!

The One Goal Thread

Hi both, hope you're having good days so far! I'm mostly reading and re-structuring today as I'm having a mid thesis crisis!