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getting hung up on methodology

Thanks Olivia, I really do appreciate your reply. My main issue is that I don't think at this level and I find it a bit frustrating - I can see how the soundness of my research is brought into question based on my methodology. I hadn't really thought about it until you pointed it out which just goes to show how far along I am in my thinking (not very far!!!) I find this quite amusing as I spend a lot of time laughing at adverts on TV based on small sample sizes or scaremongering in the press based on statistics or statements from "sources" (perhaps a positivist at heart?!)

I guess what it comes down to is that deep down I'm questioning whether this really is for me and I think it's time to have the difficult conversation with my supervisory team!

getting hung up on methodology

thank you everyone for your replies - I guess I do just need to expand my reading and be prepared to defend my stance - I know I am getting some good supervision, I just don't know if this is what I really want from life...! Back to the books then!

getting hung up on methodology

Hi all,

So I'm still here, battling on with the PhD beast! I'm still having doubts about it though and here is why. I am a pragmatic person. I was even given the slogan in one of my jobs "just do it" due to my "just get on with it" attitude. I am doing a mixed methods study which leans towards an ethnographic approach BUT I don't consider myself to be either QUAN or QUAL - I just want to get on with my research! I have selected my methods pragmatically based on my objectives, not an overall methodological approach. However, my supervisors (and the staff on my review panel) seem to want me to pigeonhole myself into "I'm an ethnographer/positivist/social constructionist" etc. Am I being really thick here? Can't I just be pragmatic? Isn't that the whole point of mixed methods? I'm finding the whole philosophical thing incredibly frustrating which I am aware suggests I shouldn't be looking to be a "Doctor of Philosophy"!!! Help!

should I stay or should I go?

Hi Cookieloo,
Sorry to hear you've had a really tough time of it recently, and really sorry to hear about your Mum passing away. Have you spoken to your supervisor about everything you've talked about in your post?
I was really relieved to see other people have had similar problems to me after reaching this point in their PhD - I think my main problem is that I live a long way from university and I find it hard to stay motivated. I've had a look at jobs and I've decided I'm going to look for something part time and possibly drop my PhD to part time too, I anticiapte that my partner and I will get married and want to start a family in the next year or so and I have similar concerns to you about how I would manage this.
Anyway - if you need someone to talk to or just blow steam at please PM me - I've had the same problems support wise, I had every piece of work I submitted in the past year sent back to me heavily marked up, then once I'd made the amendments the same person would re-mark up things they'd told me to write! Highly frustrating and very discouraging - I definitely do not want to work in academia after I complete (if ever!)

Should I stay or should I go...

Wow so I'm not the only person who feels like this! I have to say, I feel very relieved! And you're almost at the same point as me! It's so difficult isn't it, cos like you I know some people try over and over to get a place on a PhD in the first place (myself included) so my main feeling is guilt that I can't just be happy and get on with it but at the same time I have this niggling doubt that I can't do it! Have you spoken to your supervisor about how you feel?

should I stay or should I go?

Hello all fellow PhD students,

I'm seriously bummed out and I don't know if I should carry on or not.

I've been doing my PhD now for about 10 months and just submitted my study to ethics (NHS) and should be writing 2 chapters of my thesis ready for a review early next year. I've just taken on a teaching role as a supervisor to 2 groups of first year students on one of their modules and I'm also presenting at a conference next month. I just don't feel like I can do it! I feel too stupid and unintelligent and I seriously don't know how I even got this damned thing in the first place! I find myself looking at jobs online and thinking "I could do that" and wondering whether I should apply.

My supervisor is a lovely person and I really like her but she doesn't seem to give me any real feedback. I've talked to her about feeling like this but she doesn't seem to think there is a problem. I don't feel like I can carry out my research and I really don't see what contribution it will have, I can't stand the thought of sitting there in a viva and being asked questions that will make me seem like an idiot and worst of all I dread being asked in 3 years time what I've been doing with myself and not having any real achievement to show for it.

I am aware I'm being really whiney (sorry!) but am I the only person who feels like this? Is there anyone else out there who has had these feelings and gone on to complete? Is there any way I can get over it!?

Any advice very gratefully received :-(

The One Goal Thread

My one goal (and it is one goal!) is to get this paper uploaded and out of my hair! I did what you did yesterday Sneaks, was feeling a tad hungover after an excellent night out on Tuesday (much needed to let off some steam!) and paid the price for it yesterday! Ended up having far too much caffeine and then couldn't concentrate on anything for more than a minute! Water is the way forward!

6 days to go...

Congratulations! Time now for a well earned rest!

6 days to go...

You're so nearly there! Keep at it!

Ladies: I hate the fact that this makes me feel better!

Satchi - where did you hear you'd get pigmentation marks from?! I've been on the pill for nearly 10 years now and I have to say I haven't noticed that I've put any weight on or anything (infact I have to say that I think it might be an excuse people use) but I do get very bloated around my period and I do get period pain, also it hasn't helped my mood swings when I have PMT BUT I do have nice clear skin! I've found the period pain/PMT has gotten worse as I've gotten older and more stressed though so this is probably the cause.

Everyone reacts to the different brands of pill differently - it's really a case of trial and error. Go and see your GP/Family Planning Clinic and talk it over with them, what you want the pill to do for you, and they'll start you off on the right brand. You might not get it right first time but it's worth pursuing.

The One Goal Thread

Nice one Batfink! I've now re-written my list of things to do and it's getting longer and longer... Oh well, one thing at a time eh? I'm loving being a PhD student today!

The One Goal Thread

I've definitely got that Monday feeling! I've got so much to do and I don't really know what I want to focus on!

I have to:
1. Refine and submit my paper by Wednesday (not the actual deadline but the deadline I have in my head!)
2. Refine and expand my piece of work I submitted this morning (my supervisor liked it though which is a good thing!)
3. Do some more reading (as ever!) about methodology and one of my objectives... oh.. I'm sinking under the paper!

Oh well! Here we go! Hope everyone's having a good day so far!

The One Goal Thread

Amanda, did you get a reply from your supervisor?

I've just been told my uni email isn't working, marvellous, who knows what I've missed thanks to IT failures! I'm wondering if it's too early for lunch...!

My goals for today are:

Email my supervisor (fingers crossed it works!!!) with my outline project plan in rough
Finish reading two chapters on mixed methods
Then go home! It's Friday after all

I passed my viva :)

Congratulations Dr! How exciting! Party this weekend!

The One Goal Thread

I have a multipack of Flakes in my office drawer that are looking increasingly attractive the more stressed I get!

Still reading about mixed methods today and trying to decide whether to go quantitative, qualitative or manic-researcher and mix it up! So that is my goal for today...

Abandoned paper for this week, too many other things to think about! Hope everyone's having a good and productive day!