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Supervisor playing games and using me


I am going through a hard time with my supervisor. He seems to have switched off and does not provide anymore comments and does not reply to emails.

He also announced that the funding that was initially meant for this research is being used for another research and that I would have to bear the cost of all expenses. He said this while he knew from the beginning what exactly I was doing. I've also noticed that he lies and used me to get fund for other research that he is doing.

What should I do?
What would you advise me?
Should I continue under the supervision of such a person?
Should I find another supervisor? Another university?
Does he also get to grade my thesis?
Should I see him and ask him politely why he is playing games?

Please advise !

Late Submission of PhD thesis

Thank you all for your for your priceless advice.

Yes, there is little doubt that I have procrastinated a lot. However, not having a good supervisor and my unwillingness to get in touch with him for guidance has contributed to the delay in submission. Yes, I agree that I should have raised this issue earlier.

Anyway, I have decided to write to my uni, asking them to help me get through this. I want to graduate and would do anything possible for them to accept my thesis at this stage.

I'll update you all later. If anyone has been in a similar case or have known people in my situation, please let me know.

Late Submission of PhD thesis

Thank you all for your valuable comments.

I'll contact them immediately and let you all know what they reply. I can't go there as I am living in another country.

What do you think should be the best way to apoproach them? From a 'I have loads of thing to attend to while writing the thesis, such as job, family, had a major car accident, ....' or informing them that I couldn't submit because my supervisor wasn't of much help?

Please advise.

Late Submission of PhD thesis

Title: In Humanities, 10 Years May Not Be Enough to Get a Ph.D--But Overall Rates for Finishing Doctorates May be Better than Thought, New Data Show
Authors: Gravois, John
Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, v53 n47 pA1 Jul 2007
Publication Date: 2007-07-27

Abstract: This article discusses the timeframe of programs of doctoral study. By the time the 10th anniversary of their enrollment in a Ph.D. program has rolled around, about 57 percent of doctoral students have their terminal degrees in hand, according to new data from the Council of Graduate Schools. Perhaps the most interesting of the council's findings is the suggestion that the 10-year mark may be too early to write off some students as "noncompleters." In some fields (mainly engineering and the sciences) most people complete their Ph.D.'s after 6 or 7 years of doctoral study.

Late Submission of PhD thesis

Thanks for yor post.

Based on my search, it seems that universities accepting PhD students after 10 years is still possible.

See below:


and this :

From: ERIC http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ773713&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ773713

Late Submission of PhD thesis

Hi all,

I hope to get some advice from you all.

I have been working on my PhD thesis for the last 7 years.

It may look like a lot of years, but I have been a part-time student almost all my life.

I haven't submitted because my supervisor (who doesn't have a PhD) have not been able to advise me on a number of issues related to the data collection, among others. I have struggled all by myself, and have made errors along the path.

I have asked my university for extensions quite a number of times and they have agreed. Recently, they sent me the termination letter (!) informing me that I would be considered for Mphil but if the committee agrees to accept my thesis under exceptional circusmtances, then it would be at their discretion.

My questions are:
- Has it happened to anyone in UK? or US?
- What could the exceptional circumstances be?
- Could not having a good supervisor be considered a major reason to accept my late submission?

Please advise. If you know people who are in the same boat, I would appreciate hearing from them.
