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Viva coming up soon, Thesis has too many typos! What happens to failed PhDer's?

My PhD has not gone well. I had an bullying supervisor and thesis was not proof read by anyone but myself. I reread it and while the science is solid I've made a number of mistakes and even referred to one or two terms incorrectly. I know what the proper term is! And I'm so annoyed at myself for allowing these mistakes through, it makes it look like I don't know the field! I really don't see the viva going well and am prepared for at the very best R&R, but most likely a fail.

I completely burnt out by the end of my PhD and was regularly waking up to throw up leading up to submission. The department and my supervisor completely abandoned me on an ill defined and broad topic and I was stretched way too thin with the resources available. I became over worked and completely stressed out to the point that my physical and mental health has completely deteriorated. I wanted to quit, but everyone around me kept telling me to keep going. I wish I hadn't listened. I wish I'd been true to myself. I'm now burnt out, completely exhausted, suffering from depression and will most likely not be getting a PhD or even an Mphil.

How will this look when I'm looking for future employment? I get the feeling that employers believe that if you can't hack grad "school" you can't hack the real world. I feel like I'm looking at a life-time of underemployment and missed opportunity. I can't believe how badly I've screwed up. Anyone got any advice?