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Hey Coastman, if you are going to leave, can I come too?

writing up - what motivates you to keep going?

Nothing motivated me. I turned writing up into the most protracted and excruciating experience possible. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't done that. Waste of 6 months really.

love life of a Phd student? zero

I was with my bf before I started my PhD and am still with him now that I am nearing the end. He works in an entirely different field and is not doing his PhD.

I admit sometimes wishing he understood what it feels like when experiments repeatedly fail - and I really, really wish he knew how awful it is to write a thesis. But, it is great to have someone who makes you take a Sunday off to go bushwalking or makes you stop working on a Saturday night to go to the moview. He has made me keep some perspective. He is very good at reminding me my PhD is not the most important thing in the world - there are still wars, our friends 2 year old son is still dying, and the globe is still warming.

I say it is certainly possible, and possibly an advantage, to go out with a non-PhDer.

employment after the PhD (there is life after the PhD!)

But Chris, you will be fluent in Swedish by then!

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Eewww, Coastman - that 'Hello' was really creepy. Kind of creepy like when my high school physics teacher who used to sneak up behind me in class and sing the "you don't have to put on the red light" line from Roxanne by the Police in a really quiet voice in my ear. And my name isn't even Roxanne.

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Ha ha!

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Diet? Why? Chubby babies are the cutest babies.

Where are these people?

Coastman is back, all is right in the world

I applied for a full-time job as a shop assistant today...

Feel free to joke away, sue! I am fine about working in a bakery - I love bread, toast, muffins, croissants etc. The weight-gain thing is a concern, but haven't even got a callback yet, so no need to stress about the calories just yet. Obviously, not my dream career move, but anything that pays me money and gets me out of the house...within reason.

I applied for a full-time job as a shop assistant today...

I did it again today. Another full-time shop assistant position. This one at the local bakery. With a really, really unattractive uniform!

Where are these people?

DJWickid is on that list too.

Where are these people?

And now I think we have to add Coastman to the list too.

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That is fantastic, 404!

Where are these people?

sylvester, insomniac, verdy, Sara, Athina, hillyg...there are so many missing.