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Journal papers from PhD

Hoping to get a couple of journal papers from PhD - but just wondering whether it is 'allowed' to use large chunks of the PhD text, or does it have to re-written again - ie can you be seen to plagiarise yourself!?!

Finishing PhD and feeling low

I passed viva with minor corrections last week. V pleased. Similar to submission feels strange and sad sister is not here to see me become a Dr. My own health is so poor too that full-time work is not possible - so who knows what I am going to do - but grateful that it's over and outcome was positive

Submitted PhD and typos!

Ha ha sadly I somewhat doubt typos are the only issue...

Submitted PhD and typos!

Just submitted PhD and can already see some typos I missed - please tell me this is normal - now panicking and thinking 'I am doomed'!

Why individual qualitative interviews and not focus groups/ Participant obs/

Submission is nigh and I am losing ability to 'fink'! Need to write a few links explaining why I adopted for qual interviews and not other key qual methods - but at this stage can not think - any advice?

Finishing PhD and feeling low

Big thanks for your supportive messages and sorry to hear that others has experienced significant loss during the process too. I agree that feeling like this is probably to some extent 'normal' and possibly need to reduce the amount of stress I put on myself - submit (next month) - in my department can not have vivi for 12 weeks so focus on finding occupation and/or having a rest, rather than the elusive post doc. Thanks again - much appreciated x

Finishing PhD and feeling low

About to submit and expected to feel pleased and excited, instead truly feeling low and depressed - is this normal? My sister died (cancer) half way through the process (and I think coming to the end is triggering feeling of loss again - she truly was my BBF). Also acutely aware of the difficulty in getting PhD doc work/funding and wondering is/was it all worth it?

Are women more likely to participate in qualitative interviews

Thanks for input - maybe all I can do is offer possible reasons why this was the case, the most obvious being women live longer (research involved older people), rather than finding a paper that says women participate more in qual interview - poss no more than an assumption of mine. I agree re recruitment not being easy! For me going out and actively recruiting via social groups rather than 'cold contact' via letters worked best - but lost a good year of my life doing it!

Are women more likely to participate in qualitative interviews

Are women (older) more likely to participate in qualitative interviews than men - or is this an assumption I have made? Any references/ pointers would be great - thank you

Presentation of qualiative data

Thinking of the use of terms such of 'most participants said' 'some said that' etc - not sure whether appropriate in qualitative research? Any thoughts for or against?

My mother is terminally ill - should I quit my PhD?

Hi, dont have much advice as such to add simply to say I can truly relate, my 34 year old much loved sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year and it put simply in many ways beyond difficult. I am trying to carry on with PhD, but going at a snails pace... but hope to finish at some point. I dont think there is a right answer but you just have to do what you can manage and try and take care of yourself in the process. All good wishes.

Paper request please

I really would be grateful to anyone who is able to access the following for me. Many thanks,
Aotearoa New Zealand Social WorkVolume 24 Issue 1 (May 2012) In-home care and 'supported independence' for the frail elderly: A social work perspective

presentation of quotes

Hi, I am trying to tidy up my PhD, but I have had differing messages about the proper way to present quotes which have been pulled out of text, ie longer ones. So do you:
Space either side of quote
Italic and centre quote
Drop the speech marks
Or is this wrong? Many thanks for any advice

Paper request please

I would be most grateful if any have access to the following

J Powell (2012) Persoanlisation and Community Care. A case study of the British system Ageing International 37 (1) pp16-24

Paper request please

I would be most grateful if any have access to the following

J Powell (2012) Persoanlisation and Community Care. A case study of the British system Ageing International 37 (1) pp16-24