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Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I bet, I would too. I think I’m used to being poor now Do you know anything about how much the bursary will be and how much we need to contribute towards tuition fees?

Do you know much about the course itself? I have been looking on the website, and it all looks very interesting. I’m doing my undergraduate degree in Health studies, and the modules for social work seem to overlap quite a lot. So I’m hoping I won’t find it too difficult.

I'm hoping to go to an open day soon and have a good look round, but i havent been able to find a suitable one yet.

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I only went to interview last week and I have just been notified of my offer. I’m still at university at the moment and living in Leicester. I'm not sure of the area I want to go in, but all of my work experience is in the field of learning disabilities. Warwick was my first choice so I’m really glad I was offered a place.

I felt that the interview was quite relaxed, if you prepare a few generic answers you'll be fine!

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I'm going to be moving to coventry with my boyfriend in the summer. what about you? Did you go for interview last monday? I cant wait!!!!

Warwick Unviversity MA Social Work

I have just been accepted too! im so excited!