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Another Appendix thread

Hi 404

I'll also have a mountain of appendices, and I'm doing a qual social sciences thesis. I'll include the plethora of questions I developed as background to the interviews I conducted; the timeline of my interviews and case studies, a listing of confidential material provided to me by my participants, and the journal articles I've written. There will probably be more, but they're the obvious ones.

6 days to go...

Wooo!!! Congratulations Chrisrolinkski!!! That's the best news - am so pleased for you! It's been hard for you, and you've done it - you're an inspiration to the rest of us still battling along. Have a wonderful celebration, and a good, long sleep. Well done!! (up)

The nocturnal workers' thread

Hi 404

Not night time for me, but I'm also here working. Can relate to reliving a nightmare - I'm rewriting my lit review. What should've been just an update has turned into a complete rewrite which is taking me forever. Good luck with your work tonite!

Ladies - would you do this? (dating issue)

======= Date Modified 16 Apr 2010 23:31:21 =======
Hi Natassia

I think Amanda's right - just casually ask him out for a bite to eat, a coffee, maybe a drink after uni...I hate games and women having to act stereotypically feminine - I just would not be bothered smiling seductively, fluttering eyelashes, flicking my flowing girly locks etc etc. Be brave, be mature, and casually ask him out in a friendly way. If he says no, nothing lost. But if I were you, I wouldn't wait around - just ask him.

Would an RA job count as post doc experience?

Hi, yes, I'd go for it too. It could lead onto something better. You're right, RA positions are not post-docs, and in my experience in the social sciences, an RA job is much lower level than a post-doc, but would provide you with good experience and contacts. And you'd be staying in academia. So, go for it, and good luck!


Delta, speak up to your supervisors!! You could be going down the wrong track and you don't want to find that you've wasted months of work. Regardless of the reasons you're doing a PhD, even if it's just a job to you, you need feedback so you can get through this. No feedback in the first year is really bad, and you're right, other students would be experiencing lots of difficulties without any feedback. So if I were you, I'd firmly request feedback, and discuss time frames with your sups.

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Glad to hear you're feeling better AQ! Yeh, when pollies talk about the need for specialists, or in Australia, the 'education revolution' - they're not talking about me!! So much guff!! Glad you had a good chat with your boyf and are feeling better. Keep going - you're getting close!!

And AL, your supervisor sounds like a right tool. I know you've said he is, but honestly!!!! As AQ says, at least you don't have to do a major rewrite - that's excellent!!

I had a chat with my sup yesterday - I think she's getting impatient with me - she told me that I hadn't included my research question in the 2 page abstract I spent 4 whole days writing (which I hadn't), and seemed a bit annoyed. And then told me to 'write quickly' and 'clearly and concisely'!! Well, I am trying!! Maybe she can also see this is neverending...

Have been working like a demon. Starting work at 6.30 and working though till 10pm, with a couple of decent breaks during the day to recharge. Can't go any faster!! Rewriting the first chapter of 11...erk....but determined. Only way out is through.

Happy and productive working AQ and AL, and others on the thread we haven't heard from for a bit!

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hey AQ, that's terrible! Am so disappointed for you. Big hugs from me - you don't need that stress. Try not to freak out - just concentrate on getting finished - you're so close!! Something else will come up - or if it doesn't, well, you'll have a little break, pick up some work, think about life, and enjoy being done!!

Can you get some feedback on why you weren't chosen? Then have a rant, go to the pub, talk to some friends. Be kind to yourself. Doing a PhD is crap, not getting the position is really crap - something good will come up, but for now, just keep going.


Hi Nalie

Doing a PhD is hard, no doubt about it. There's a huge, absolutely enormous leap between being an undergrad and a PhD student. I'm not in science, but for me, doing social sciences, the subject matter became so much harder. A PhD also requires sustained concentration, for long periods of time, and it's not just writing essays - it's emotionally draining too, working on such a big piece of work. That could be making you tired - but you also need more than 3 hours sleep. All the expert advice says to take care of yourself when doing a PhD - sleep enough, eat well, exercise and also take time off. You need stamina. Of course it's possible to have a life while doing a PhD (well, except for the writing up stage!), but you need to pace yourself.

Any tips on how you work best?

Hi Fred

I also work at home, and start early - most days have started working by 7am at the latest. Mornings are quiet, and I'm refreshed and do my best work then. I plough through about 10 tomatoes by lunchtime - www.mytomatoes.com - then do easier work after lunch and then again at nite. I listen to quiet, slow electronic or ambient music, so I don't get so lonely. I have a routine that I stick to, every day, and it helps me get lots done. I also make sure I have some fun, and normally go out with my partner on Friday nites, so we also get some time together.

analysis of qualitative data

Hi Rut

In that case, I think what's she's doing is pretty outrageous if she's planning to write an article based on your work. But could you include what she thinks are important findings, in a joint article with you as first author? And maybe try and keep the article contained, so you could write your own solo article later? If she's still insisting on writing her own article using your work, I think you'd need to have a tactful conversation with her, getting her to clarify the ethics around a supervisor using a student's work for their own purposes. Also talk to your post-grad student union, or the research co-ordinator of your area about this before you talk to her - go in there prepared.

analysis of qualitative data

Hi Rut

I think it depends on whose project this is - is it your supervisor's, or yours? If it's hers, it's fine for her to go thru the notes and then write a paper. However, if this is your PhD, I think it's pretty bad that she's gone thru your material and analysed it, and even worse if she's planning to write a paper on your project. So, a bit of clarification, please?

Lost the will to carry on - please tell me something inspiring!!!

Hi Rosy

Oh, that sounds really hard, you've got a lot on your plate. But the end is in sight!! You have a deadline, and it's not too far off! Make a list of what needs to be done, put it on the wall, cross off each thing as you do it. Count down the number of days - I change my screen saver every day, and I know I'm getting closer to my goal. Stick affirmations up around you, do other things that might help, stick up a photo of your wedding dress to motivate you maybe. Then go, go, go!! Let us know you're getting on.

6 mths to go - count down's on!!


Big hugs!!! Oh, that's horrible getting feedback like that. I've had the same, but not only were content and style not good enough, but my argument and even the title were lacking!! So, it could be worse!;-)

Good advice from AQ - take some time off, then have a read through again. Make sure you really clarify what he wants and take lots of notes. Then maybe have some time off to digest his comments, and get back to it after a break when you can better cope with looking at it again. It's good that you're meeting on a Sunday - maybe plan to do something nice with your partner after the meeting, and relax for a bit.

Yep, highs and lows. Just as we think we're getting somewhere, another set-back happens. But we are progressing, we're getting closer to finishing, it's just really slow.

Good luck for Sunday!

your UNBELIEVABLE write-up Stories please!!

Writing up is hard, lonely and drives me nuts. But, my tips for working and getting lots written are:
- http://mytomatoes.com/ - a 25 minute timer, you work for 25 mins (a tomato), then list what you've done, then have a 5 minute break. I power through loads of tomatoes every day.
- chat room at http://www.phinished.org. We use the tomato timer and we all work, then we chat for 5 minutes. There's normally people to chat to 24 hours a day. I do hours and hours and hours with the same people, online and we all work. Hugely motivating and productive.
- http://www.live365.com/ - free online music. I have ambient music on in the background. Also keeps me from getting too lonely.

Good luck!