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Ground to a halt...Please Help!!

I'm not sure how things work where you are, but could you apply for some time off and take a break. I felt the same at the end of my second year and was despondent for so long I took myself off to a holiday and came home much better for it. Nothing fancy, mind you, it was a simple walking holiday.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Hi everyone. Took a day off and am back this evening editing my thesis. How's everyone going?

Despite having worked on the chapter for 2 days and having a grand total of just 3000 edited words I feel much better today. Maybe the time off was good.

Target tonight? Just some visible progress, I hesitate to put in a word count but perhaps I can bring it up to 5000 today? Here's hoping...

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

OK, I'm past the target and now headed for bed. Good night everyone. Good luck with the rest of the evening writing, Lara.

End Note and Open Office

Just out of curiosity because I tried and didn't succeed once. Has anyone managed to use EndNote software with the Open Office Writer? I read somewhere that it can be done provided one knows a bit about working with Open Source. While I never had the brains to figure it out in time for my PhD thesis, I am interested in using it for the future.

Worldwide, where is the best place to be an academic?

You're welcome Far as I can tell there isn't a central web site for academic jobs, the market is pretty small. But, there is a pretty good web site for employment on www.seek.com.au that is quite helpful if you set the parameters for a search right. I have it set up to send me emails when jobs that might be of interest to me are advertised.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Good to hear you're making solid progress.

I'm almost 2000 words into the chapter. At the moment I'm taking a short food and coffee break before I throw myself into the last dash for tonight. I'll be working in new material for the chapter. I just wished I didn't feel obliged with every draft to improve on the last. If I could only let things be editing would be easier and faster.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Awww, you're so nice. 6000 words with 4500 already, sounds like you're almost there.

Any chance those 1500 words might be about what is and is not represented in the diagrams?

How old were you - starting the phd?

Hear hear, I'm with you, Olivia.
There are definite advantages to starting a PhD young, not least of which is energy level and less interruptions from life.

There are also, as you mentioned, great advantages to having some life experience under one's belt before embarking on a task as complex as a doctorate or masters.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Hey Lara, how's it going with the diagrams and charts?

I finally figured there was an unresolved issue in the previous chapter I had to clarify before I could proceed and have managed to do just that.
Now on to the chapter at hand.... Objective for the next hour 2000 words.

Academic papers and authorship

I'm in the humanities. So far, I've published one book chapter and have co-authored another one with three others. I am the sole author for the book chapter. My supervisor has never expected to be included as co-author on any of my papers nor would I agree. However, an acknowledgement for reviewing and suggestions is appreciated and only right.

Unless they have actually contributed to the gathering of material and writing of the papers, it seems to me almost unethical to demand inclusion as a co-author. But then, that is what I think. Others might feel different

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

You know, if my supervisor said that to me I would get right back to her with "well, if that's what you think, tell me how I can improve." Supervisors are meant to offer constructive criticism not put their students down with unhelpful comments.

I'm sure you can give the nasty so and so a big surprise and pass him a chapter that will have his jaw dropping.

I'm going to snatch as much time as possible to work on my thesis this evening while everyone's sleeping and unable to disturb me. Let's go....!

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

But, I've sat myself down at the laptop and am giving it a go anyway. Shall we see if we can talk ourselves into making some progress today?
Yesterday's aiming for the stars definitely landed me in the trees
Today's aim is, therefore, much more modest, just to achieve some clarity on the section I was working on yesterday and get over the ennui.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Hi Lara, I've hit a wall with the weekend, running the kid around in Mum's taxi from one activity to the next, shopping, cooking, cleaning etc. etc. I don't know how I'm going to get it all done

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

Thanks. Just made myself a cup of coffee and put on some music to overcome my lazy day blues and pull myself out of extreme lethargy.

Working on 15000 words by end 10 June - help?

*Hysterical laughter* Who says horoscopes are not accurate, mine for today reads:

Time for a lazy day
This influence can introduce much pleasantness into your life through good times, agreeable relationships, sexual attraction and friendship. The problems that you will confront during this time are: overindulgence, lack of self-discipline, and unwillingness to work. This influence does not fit you for demanding work or trying situations, for you are likely to be lazy and unwilling to rouse yourself.