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My viva was today, and ..... I did it :)

Congratulations to you! Well done. I have submitted and I am now awaiting my viva date. Hopefuly I can be in a similar mood come end of January!

Finally submitted - now I am in trepidation!

Hi guys,

Last time I posted I was expecting to submit in 3 mths. However, I found out I was pregnant and became ill - so I really had to postpone for a year.

I had a lovely baby girl in July of this year :-) and finally submitted the thesis at the end of October.

I don't know what to expect for my viva. I am just very scared. I have since read over the thesis and I have found a few typos and errors - like a missing word. Not a lot - but I am still worried about this.

I asked them for a January viva date because I don't live in the UK right now and I want to be able to travel in with my baby - she will be 6 mths then.

What I want to ask - anyone did a Phd using qualitative methods? What was your viva like? What concerns was expressed about your methods? What questions?

I am just so on edge about this - I can't function properly.

Many thanks in advance.

Maxed Out and Deflated!!!!

@ Kronkodile, true, I have to see the good in this.

@ Badhaircut, there is so much backbiting and bitchiness amomng the women academics in my area. IT IS MINDBOGGLING!!
I discussed the implications of the research findings on policy in 1 section & she TOTALLY slams it saying I should have nothing to do with policy. I cannot see the value of my research if it does not inform the policy debate, especially when the govt is in deep shit with the issue. I just could not understand her point. I have been approached by a publisher who wants to publish my thesis when I am finished because they know the value of it - NOW. A charity is supporting it. I was lucky to choose a topic that is now popping. If I use any more of her work, I would be doing so in a critical context because I would have to show that SHE herself have neglected to look at the issue and totally subsuming it in her own wide area. My research is specific. I just have to keep hammering that! Thanks all!

Self doubt and unworthy of PhD

You are not alone!!! But I guess "this too shall pass"!!! We have to soldier on...You have high's and you have lows. Chin up. I am very pissed myself about my PhD but there is no way I can give up now..(I tell myself)

Maxed Out and Deflated!!!!

Yes! Insomniac the academic's work she was rubishing is qualitative. But I find that in Social Sciences when not a lot is known about an area it has to start with the detailed qualitative enquiry - which is what I think the author did. My PhD is an ethnographic study, for those very same reasons. She has not knocked my methods (yet!) but I am VERY glad she has been at least shown my work so that she CANNOT be my examiner. She is very known in the general field but in the specificity of my topic - all academics have ignore it! It is a minority issue and looking at her comments more, I feel if I take her suggestions to rewrite on board - I will effectively lose what I am trying to achieve! Which is to look at an area that SHE herself has largely ignored.

In any case, I was shocked that she could belittle her colleague to a student like that.

Maxed Out and Deflated!!!!


She made some good points - which i will take on board - but when she is now telling me to scrap half of my work at this stage - I don't think so. I will defend this till I die!!! I am prepared to change a few things to support my approach even more now - but change at this stage - That is EVIL!!! I would NEVER be able to submit in October and that is my LAST date!!!

Not only is she rubbishing her own colleagues work in poor taste by saying "it is very poor work, why rely on it", as if it is the only work I have refernced in my extensive thesis so far - BUT ...wait for it.....she has also sent comments on how I should structure the new chapters she wants me to write over with - headings subheadings and alllll!!! Of course she also gives refernces I should use under each headings - and almost all of them are - HERS!!!

Sorry for the rant. I am just in a funk!

Maxed Out and Deflated!!!!

Thanks Sylvester, I am trying to do just that. Though when I heard yesterday I cried all day!

I have received comments from my supervisor who I regularly consult with, and his comments were practical and REALLY helpful so far. He did not say my first two chapters were rubbish. The other supervisor "said he read it" and he too said it was okay and agreed with the changes my regular supervisor suggested. Now that he has gone and shared my work with this Visiting Prof. she is now saying I should change all of what I have been doing?! The thing is the latent supervisor has now forwarded the comments of the Visiting Professor to me - which means he agrees with it???!!! At this stage?? I don't think so.

Maxed Out and Deflated!!!!

Hi everyone, just found you all!
I am the last lap of y PhD (or so I'd like to think). When I started my suprvisor left for another uni right after my upgrading. Then I got a 2 new supervisors soon after. One of them is great - teh other - never heard from or see! I basically started over. I've now written about 50,000 words. I have 2 chapters left. Getting good comments so far but teh latent supervisor at this stage just decided he was going to shar emy work with a visting professor who is now telling me to scrap half of what I have done. In the meantime she has referred me to all of her work, even though I have a few in there already. Now she is rubbishin one author I have used and said, "why are you quoting her. Her work is very poor in my opinion, she has experiences not findings!" This is a VERY published author and respected she is talking about! Now nearly 3 moths to submitting she comes in the picture and wants me to change!! I AM DEFLATED!!

Sorry for long post....