Research Proposals


What's the best way to get support for research proposals for PhDs? Do you contact potential supervisors and say that you are interested in their area of research and ask if they have anything available or say that you are interested and you have an idea and see if what they say? What if your idea isn't really very developed but just a vague notion? Do you need more solid stuff before you contact them? Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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It depends on your area of research. Generally in the sciences and engineering academics apply to the research councils for funding for a project and then advertise for a student. Unless you have a well formed research proposal or your own funding it is better to wait for them to advertise.

In the arts, humanities and social sciences things tend to work the other way around. Students approach academics stating their research interests. If the academic is interested he or she will assist the student in applying for research funding (with varying success).


The studentships are in the sciences and they have funding already but the topic is open. I was wondering how much detail do you need to have in this case to approach potential supervisors to see if they are interested? Is it ok to say you are interested in their research areas and take it form there or do you need to have a proposal worked out? Thanks.


Personally I feel it is always the best to work out a research proposal first if the duration of the Ph.D is 3 years because this will be the most appropriate step to get yourself planned well ahead.So talk to your supervisor before wishes.

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If you are thinking of applying to an academic who has a studentship, but is asking for research proposals then the best thing to do is write to them breifly to ask what they want you to do in more detail.