How interactive is this forum?


I think, in agreement with what many have already said, that 'forum culture' is perhaps what we already have? Culture need not be a normative 'should be' that people should aspire for, or should try to create... instead, let us be happy with what we have createwd amongst us, this is our forum culture, and this seems to work fine enough for most! As for online-offline parallels, there are many similarities between online and face to face, but many dissimilarities too... words spoken in a bar cannot be preserved and archived in print, tracked and deleted at will, and kept in store for future reference. Not that this impacts what we are discussing, but just wanted to think through what's *not* the same between offline and online...


To Rubyw,

yes Ruby, I think you are right that different forms of (in)formality are useful and may spark more responses and interactions. This could be in separate fora or in this particular one. Just a matter that the "posters as a group" would feel comfortable in entering their remarks, in other words having or creating a culture in which this is done. I do not know how this works on other fora like facebook or linkedin, have never used them. Are these more like "normal conversations"?


Hi Eska,

yes, I would like it if there would be some form of ettiquette at the forum. I think it is obvious that postings should not be abusive, and the moderators are looking at this. Similarly you could think of some guidelines regarding how to get the most out of this forum. For example as a group one could say that posters can enter any question, yet should ideally follow up, especially if a responder actually asks them a specific question. Plain advertisements should not be on the forum, again I think the moderators are looking at this, please avoid very vaque questions regarding where to find a PhD, please feel free to add questions regarding the PhD process etc. etc.

I agree that there is no need for formal approval on what you want to post!

I do not know what the 'last one to post on this thread wins thread' is, perhaps you could explain and or re-introduce it?


This is the Internet, the last refuge for people to speak freely.

There are too many trying to control it as it is.

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Hi Rick,

It sounds to me as if you're not very familiar with this forum. There are already rules about abusive postings, the very few - I think one or two - that I've seen in my two years of coming here have been moderated off very quickly. Likewise advertising - no advertising is allowed on this site. I think it is up to the individual how they respond to answers their threads generate - I wouldn't want to see conditions on starting threads here, all threads (which are left on by the moderators) benefit all of us, so that is payment enough for my answers, it's a collective thing.

I'm very happy with things as they are here.

I thinbk it would be a good idea if you to became more familiar with the forum before you suggest changes - many of th things you suggest are already in place.

As for fun threads - if that's something you want, then why don't you start one, or two, or three? There certainly isn't anything stopping you.


What Eska said.



Not sure that I completely understand your latest replies.

Just expressed my views, obviously respect you views. No hard feelings. I would not expect anything will change based on my remarks, so do not worry.:-)

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Rick - Likewise, just expressing my views, and answering your suggestions, ie being interactive: do not fear, I am not worried!


Eska, touché!


Quote From eska:

Hi Rick,

It sounds to me as if you're not very familiar with this forum. There are already rules about abusive postings, the very few - I think one or two - that I've seen in my two years of coming here have been moderated off very quickly. Likewise advertising - no advertising is allowed on this site. I think it is up to the individual how they respond to answers their threads generate - I wouldn't want to see conditions on starting threads here, all threads (which are left on by the moderators) benefit all of us, so that is payment enough for my answers, it's a collective thing.

I'm very happy with things as they are here.

I thinbk it would be a good idea if you to became more familiar with the forum before you suggest changes - many of th things you suggest are already in place.

As for fun threads - if that's something you want, then why don't you start one, or two, or three? There certainly isn't anything stopping you.

i completely agree with eska here, the forum is already moderated to avoid abuse, advertising etc. i personally hate the idea of developing a forum 'etiquette' and having to form 'conversations' - i make quick posts here and there as i see something that catches my eye, and most of the time i don't feel the need to go back to threads i have posted on and follow up with more replies. that is the very nature of an internet forum, so you can dip in and out as much or as little as you wish with no pressure to carry on the 'conversation'. i don't expect things to be similar to a situation amongst friends/in a pub, and i enjoy the fact that the same rules don't apply (in fact i often wish in real life that i could walk away from a conversation and not have to finish it ;-) )

there are many reasons why people don't return to post again on threads they have started or been heavily involved in, and to be honest i don't really care whether they do or not. this is not a place to maintain friendships or relationships, it is a place to come to for honest advice from people who understand what you're going through, and whether i get 20 replies from one person or 20 replies from 20 different people makes no odds to me, the fact that anyone takes time out of their busy schedule to try and help me out is good enough for me. and if i don't get any thanks for my advice, then i don't care about that either, it is thanks enough that people continue to come here and offer their advice for free.