Help me modify/construct my research title


I am conducting a research study to determine the factors that affect the treatment outcomes among patients treated for multi drug-resistant tuberculosis and at the same time I want to identify the indirect effects of these factors. In addition, I would also like to categorize/classify the patients as successful and unsuccessful with regards to their treatment outcomes.
I am utilizing multiple regression to determine the factors, path analysis to identify the indirect effects of the factors involved and discriminant analysis to categorize the patients. The factors that I considered include: demographic factors, socioeconomic factors, patient related factors and co-morbidities.
I am having a hard time constructing my research title since I have a couple of dependent variables involved in my study. If you can help me construct my research title or give any advice, I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance.


would it be ok if i'll just focus on the factors in regards to my title however i would still look and include in my study its indirect effects and the patients classification?
something like "Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Multi-drug Resistent Tuberculosis."
i was thinking it would be a total mess if I include everything in my title. any thoughts?


Sounds good to me :) I certainly wouldn't go as far as trying to include all your variables in the title, as you say this could be very long and confusing. I'd keep it simple, and add the detail in your dissertation. I'm sure that's the norm, my PhD thesis title is very high level compared to the nitty gritty details :)


Quote From plethoraldork:

something like "Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Multi-drug Resistent Tuberculosis."

Sounds spot on. Lots of studies don't include too much detail in the title, and what you have proposed is informative enough to help people decide whether or not to read it. The next thing is to right a really clear abstract.


thank you for all your answers. i appreciate it