IT System Decommissioning - Short Survey - MSc Dissertation


I am a student at the Open University and as part of my Masters dissertation 'Consideration to the problem of early system decommissioning' this short 5 minute survey has been created to assist in the identification of significant factors associated system decommissioning.

The decision of when to decommission a system is an important one. The late decommissioning of a system can leave an organisation exposed to increased risks and subject to additional costs. The early identification of which systems and when to decommission them can be a substantial business benefit.

Through a review of existing literature a number of factors that would act as barriers and good practices for the early identification of systems and would be considered for decommissioning.
The aim of the survey is to identify the barrier and good practice factors that are significant in the 'real world' of business and IT.

Please copy below link into browser navigation to commence survey.


Done.. good luck


Thanks. The survey is still open (until 15th December). Thanks to all in advance