A happy thread - let's spread the PhD joy! (ha)


Hello all, how you doing? After almost exactly **three years on the dot*** I have now 'finished' my thesis! I am editing for submission, my sups want to glance at the whole thing one more, but I am nearly done. Done, done done - referencing, footnotes, illustrations, and now sorting out my final bibliography. How do you say DONE in all EU languages (oh. don't.)

I can't believe it! I had so many 'dark' moments! I have moaned so much ... to my family, to my friends, to everyone who would listen.

But I have done it (fatto, fini, finito!) and I think some parts of it are the best works I have ever produced... what next....what next?

I just wanted to wave, for once positively, to all of you that have finished saying HELLOOOO I will join you, hopefully soon (don't want to be too smug yet) BUT I want to give a particular message of solidarity out to those who are struggling. God. I feel your pain. "just keep swimming' - it will pass! Honestly I have thought so many times "I shall quit".

So tell me, what are you up to?


Hi Trilla,

I'm so happy to see such a happy sounding post! Congratulations on finishing your PhD, regardless of all the tough moments that made you think otherwise! This holds as real inspiration for someone like me, who is at a crossroads in my life, where I have to decide whether I want to do a PhD, or not.

What am I up to, you ask? Working on a Masters Dissertation that I'm passionately in love with. Much to my supervisor's and my surprise, it's actually turning out to be really nice. Happy supervisor, happy life!

My supervisor has offered me a position as his research assistant and has also made it clear that he's happy to be my PhD supervisor as well (we get along very well :D!) But I'm not yet decided, as money is the issue for me. I don't want to make this a dull moment now, so I'll end by saying, that I'll find a way to get where I ought to be!

So what are your plans next? Academia or are you going to take on the industry by its horns?!



Hello the Nerdy Workaholic... I think your name puts you in good stead for a PhD :) - I have found the PhD to be a complete kettle of fish from a masters - I had no dark moments during my masters and many during my PhD, but I understand now that the discomfort was actually me getting somewhere intellectually where I was not before.This is not to rain on your parade but prepare you that in case you go for the PhD and then it hurts... it's completely normal!

And I hear you about 'the money thing' - it was and is definitely an issue for me too.

You ask me a great question about industry or academia. I don't know yet. I have the cutting of a great industry job on my desk just at this very moment but on the other hand I need to sort out my bibliography and, small detail as it may be, I am finding that until my thesis looms large in my head I cannot really concentrate on anything else - has anybody else found this?

That's why I find myself, 6.30 am on a Sunday to work at my bibliography. I just want it totally done, to get my life back.


Hi Trilla,

I have scanned so many opinions and articles and yes, I'm aware of the upheavals that come with a PhD. I know what I'm getting into.

Thanks for telling me that I'm not the only one with financial constraints :) Like you, I too will find a way.

I'm sure after you finish sorting out your bibliography and the like, you will have a clear mind to do what's next. I wish you all the very best.