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Unemployed postdoc

I think the key is to try and remain positive , worry and stress does not solve anything but it is easier said then done. I have to admit that I have a stressor personality and i too am used to being the main bread winner. I think we put alot of pressure on ourselves, our careers have promised much but delivered little at the moment. This is only a run of bad luck our luck will turn.

Things will get better!

Have you went to a recruitment agency? You could register with a temping agency!!

Unemployed postdoc

I know it makes me angry when the government are pushing science on unsuspecting children when there is no jobs, no job security or clear career path and poor pay considering how well educated we are.:-s

In empathise Dazed!! I know i am quite lucky to have landed a retail job but i still wake up panicked in the morning about my job situation. My partner makes a good wage and with this job we can make ends meet,its just i am used to paying the rent and he pays for everything else. I need to learn not to take on all the burden and work as a team!!

Wishing you luck Dazed!!

Unemployed postdoc

I think you should go! Not only will it give you interview practice but also experience interviewing for a non-academic position. They are very different styles of interview. Having the job even though its not many hours will boost your confidence and give you something to do and will bring in a little money. Its something to put on your CV that you hae retail experience etc. Being only 4 hours means that it will not interfere with furture interviews too. What have you got to loose!! Its only a stop gap but it could lead to other things!

I know i have a retail job now and its not ideal but having something to go out the housemakes me feel a lot better. I dont start till June but am really bored in the house. I washed the dishes for entertainment!!

Good Luck!! Let me know what u decide and how you got on!!


Unemployed postdoc

Thanks JJJ!!

Well its good you are still involved with your previous group. Still making yourself know could lead to a paid job! Its good to chat to people that can really relate and not just get pity looks from people that still have jobs.

Unemployed postdoc

Good luck Claudia!! You have to be in it to win it! Would be good to get yourself out the house. How long have you been looking for?

Your right Hazyjane, will go for a walk along the river. I may treat myself to a good book to read and some ice cream. Have applied for a postdoc position this morning so will give myself the weekend off.

This weekend can be a me weekend!!:-)

Unemployed postdoc

I think its cos I am on my own this weekend I am dwelling on things. All my mates are busy this weekend so its just me the telly and Mr pinot grigio and eurovision. I think i am becoming too fond of mr pinot grigio.

Sometimes i do think having a phd on ur cv is like a blackmark against you. Who knows how people with criminal records get jobs. But if there is no science jobs for example available what else do u do?? At one interview they said they were surprised someone like me applied. Great!!!

Hang in there!! A lot of the time its how well u gel with the interviewer and whether they believe u that u will not leave.

I hate interviews though! I always think why did i say that. And it was weird having a non-science interview. waiting for the outcome is horrible too!

Unemployed postdoc

Hello People,

I have woken up feeling sad today. I am on my own this weekend as my partner is away so I thought I would use the forum to express myself. I know I should be be happy i got myself a part time job but I am just thinking this is not how I planned my career to be. I just wonder how this has happened. I think I am starting to annoy my partner as i have not been really happy for the past few months but they have not gone to uni or done a PhD and I think was all my hard work worth it.

I know i should look on my part time job as a stop gap that will give me more experience and get me out the house but I just feel sad and stressed.

Any words of wisdom??


Unemployed postdoc

Well I have managed to bag myself a part time retail job. Its 20 hours plus and it will pay my half of the rent. Though its a bit of a come don in salary, well a massive one but its a job. I am grateful for it especially in this job market. I am still continuing to interview though even though I have accepted it as i really need a full time job. Thought i would be stupid not to take the offer incase nothing else comes off.

Will find out about the research post monday/tuesday. fingercrossed!!

Job-seeking strategy- a dilemma!

Well done on the interview!!

My advice would be to take the solid job offer. Grant funding rates have really dropped so the odds are not good. You would really kick yourself if you rejected the offer and the grant did not come through. There is nothing to stop you from applying for grants while you did the other postdoc and leave part way through if the funding was accepted, atleast you would be still getting paid.

If your grant was funded they probably would be able to re-advertise it, check the small print though.

Good luck!

Unemployed postdoc

Yep job hunting is a hard slog!! I have 2 interviews tomorrow and will be completely drained by the end of the day. One is a researcher post, the other is a retail position which would be good to pay the bills.

Think i would relax a bit more if I had a job just to bring in money and then could just apply for jobs that really interests me and could afford to be more selective. I think what is scaring me is that i just dont know how long this unemployment limbo will last. Savings cant last forever. But at least my partner works. I also think having a job to get up for and out of the house would be good for my mental health even if its not what i really want to do. I could carry on writing my research papers to help my science career.

yay! interview!

Good luck!! Sending positive vibes!!!

Unemployed postdoc

Good luck in finding one Chrisrolinski!!

I can really relate to how stressful the situation can be. Sometimes I have panic attacks where I think what if I can never get a job again. This is a stupid thought and I am trying to remain positive.

I just had an email off an old boss asking why a post doc was applying for a tech post. I was honest and explained my situation about being unable to move round the country ( see previous post). The area I am in is not know for lots of science activity. I said that this post would keep me in the lab give me clinical experience and pay the bills. Sometimes I think academics who now have a permanent post forget what its like to be between contracts especially in a recession.


Unemployed postdoc

Well have had 2 job interviews this week. I had to write an essay in one and have not done that for ages (non-science). I am knackered but fingers crossed. On the more exciting side have another interview coming up which is science. Its a tech post so less money but it would get me in the lab and its more clinical.

I actually quite enjoyed getting out the house to go to my interview and chat to people. I think i deserve the weekend off sowill treat myself to a bottle of wine and trash telly.

Thanks for your reply Scottishkelpie,it made me feel better that someone understands my position and is actually in it. My fingers are crossed for you too. Let me know how you get on!!

Unemployed postdoc

Hello People,

I am starting to feel more positive about the situation. I should look at it like an opportunity. What will be will be. I think it was all just a bit raw.
I am applying for jobs not just in science but other areas and importantly I am getting out the house especially as the weather is so nice. I think sometimes I am my own worst enemy. Now is not the time for bitterness!!

I am thinking about hiding my PhD for certain applications though. Its annoying after all that hard work you have too to be able to get a job. I think sometimes employers are not really sure how to react to a PhD. Think of all our transferable skills when needed to complete it.


Unemployed postdoc

Hello All,

I dont really want to add to the depressing posts but I feel I need to vent my pain. My postdoc contract came to an end earlier this month and I now have the joy of job hunting in a recession. All the grants failed that would have saved me and now I feel really depressed and put off research. I know hopefuly something will come along but at the minute I would just settle for a job. I just feel really drained and tired and I would like a rest as my looming unemployment has been playing on my mind for months. I also have to say that my last few months at university had been unproductive as felt no motivation at all. I thought whats the point you will be binned soon anyway. Thats not to say I was not a good researcher as I have a good number of publications. Sometimes I think its luck that keeps people in a job not their skill. (I will try not to sound bitter).

Anyway now that I am at home I am trying to be positive and send out lots of applications for a load of things and see what comes back. My patner is supportive but our house and their job limits my movement in the country. It just takes so long and all the rejections are depressing.

Anyone else out there sick of job hunting!! We need to support each other.
