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Masters Thesis Survey

Done and good luck

Hurt by supervisors comments, is this normal?

Thank you to everyone who has replied, you have really helped me to feel I am not alone. All your comments have been so lovely and helpful. I guess I just need to keep going. Thank you so much again x

Hurt by supervisors comments, is this normal?

Hi, just found the forum. I am nearing the end of a funded phd, and currently writing up, hoping to submit by end of March.

I have never found my supervisors particularly friendly but that's absolutely fine. However just recently everything I send to them comes back with comments which I am stupidly finding really hurtful. I have three first author publications so have always felt that I am doing - if not well, at least OK. But I am really feeling that I am taking two steps forward and one back right now if that makes sense. And it's so ridiculous of me but their comments are really getting to me. I can work for hours at a chapter and it comes back with - still needs lots of work, not clear, etc etc.

I guess I just want to know - is this normal or does it sound like I am doing really badly? Covid has really impacted on my tiny little cohort of phd colleagues - one has left, two are off on Mat leave and the other has gone home to their own country so am feeling a bit isolated as well.

Thanks to anyone who has bothered to read so far!