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I found out that I fail dissertation and received letter from my school that my re-submittion's mark would be capped at 50%.

Then the school's staff re-enroll me this module and let me check the fee with finance department.

Hell really exist........

They informed me to pay the fee for re-enroll the module which cost me nearly 4,000 pounds (I am an international Msc. student)

the money I paid the tuition fee is twice of the native student ....and this suck out the last drop of my blood.........
....... I have no money left,
this is really broken my heart, my parents told me that do not commit suicide, they are really concern me about my sadness.

I checked the university website which gave me little for the information dealing with this case.
But anyway I found that the fee for resubmission is around 150 pounds.

I asked the other department of the university which might be able told me that the finance department told me wrong or I do not need the re-enrol the module and what I need is just pay for the resubmission which cost me only 150 pounds....

They told me it depends on individual school....

Then I am afraid that my email gonna disturb my school because I email them and waiting for the answer for a long time and yet received any answer and afraid to annoy disturb them again.

PLEASE give me some advice what should I do..
or any idea or what you known about this case that do the student need to re-enroll the module and pay the expensive tuition fee or just pay for the resubmission which cost only around 150 pounds..

PS, I am not used to the UK education system...
please help advise me.....

Thank you very much..


Sorry but £4000 for an MSc course, and I'm assuming you're not an EU citizen?? I would have imagined it would be more expensive.
Not sure what the rules are in your school but seems logical to just pay the resubmission fee . I wouldn't worry about disturbing anyone at this stage- make sure you know everything and are familiar with what happens and don't be shy about asking questions.


Definately contact the school again. I agree that it probably just is the submission fee you should pay. £4000 for one module is probably about right for an international student for a 30/60 credit module. Don't get too stressed. Get a plan of action and work through it. If you can't afford to resubmit check if you can be awarded a post graduate Diploma for the modules you have already done? To be honest, if you want a job in academia you would probably have had to go on and do a PhD anyway and these marks would not get you on a PhD so I guess you are using the qualificatin for work, in which case the difference between a Diploma and full masters probably won't make much difference to an employer.

Good luck


It might be useful to contact either the students union or find out what your university offers in the way of student support/advice services and contact them for advice. I never heard of someone having to pay the full module cost to resubmit before but it might depend on how badly you failed. If they think you will need a lot of supervision to pass, they might be justified in asking you to pay again. But if you just need to improve by a few marks, then asking for £4000 is outrageous.


Thank you very much for all of you.

Your comments clam me down. (I cried for many nights)

I hope you all will have a happy life....
merry x mas