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fundng further study


I got a third class hons in bioscience and really want to improve this but further study is beyond my finances, what can i do?


You have two options: get into debt (in the short term) with a Career Devlopment Loan, or get a job and study on day release or by distance learning. Many people do this; you're not the only one. I think you need to be a bit more pro-active.


I agree with juno. You need to do some RESEARCH of your own.

Have you looked at possible courses that would interest you?

At the moment it sounds like you hate your job but don't really know what to do and going back to uni may be a possibility.

Do you want to get further in bioscience? What kind of job do you want to do? Maybe you would prefer to do accountancy?


These are all partly true. I've been trying for quite a long time to research into my career. I've looked at courses,careers advice centres web pages and quite frankly feel as tho i've come to a dead end. I have always been interested in medicine but am not academically up to it. I've tried nursing. But didnt enjoy that. I now have a degree but have no idea where to go next, Accountancy isn't my thing as i suck at maths


Ok but do you really have a reason then, for doing a postgrad course? I think it would be better to have an idea what you want to do, for example, you want to work in bioscience doing research. Then you can have a look to see how you would get to that job.

You need to think long and hard about whether going back to university is the right desicion. A lot of people resort to it because they don't want to work or they can't find the right job. In that case, you would be getting yourself into debt for funding a course that might be useful. To be honest funding is going to be hard. There are not many postgrad courses that offer funding and if they do, they will be competitive and with a 3rd you will have a lower chance that someone with a 2.1 or 1st.

What about becoming a teacher? Does that appeal to you in anyway?

I'm still not sure how you feel about research and your area (bioscience).


to be fair, i partly agree that diving into a post grad course would just be postsponing the inevitable job. Theoretically i love bioscience its facinating but practically its not as exciting to me.

I have considered/looked in to teaching. i don't have my GCSE in maths tho and the PGCE requires a 2:2 or higher.


I did part of my undergrad at Sunderland, and there the PGCE requires only a 3rd class degree.

Incidentally how did you get accepted onto a degree without Maths? I thought it was a basic requirement.


Juno, that's exactly what I was thinking!


I took out a career development loan for my MA and I still had to work some hours to compliment the max £8,000 you take out. I decided I wanted to do a PhD and so after a year out afterwards (and payment of installments) I am on a PhD, but still making repayments. I'm hoping it is worth it in the long term.....

So think carefully.....


you could probably quite easily find somwhere that would allow you to do your GCSE in maths - probably for free. It's worth thinking aobut if teachining is sometihng that interests you


I got on to my degree having done half a Nursing diploma and a foundation year that included Alevel maths, It would seem only education courses are specific about GCSE maths, most degrees see Alevel as more than equivalent.

I think i'll research the PGCE further as this has interested me for a while, (i do alot of youth work). Thanks guys


You can get funding from bbrsc with a third as long as you have done three years research and an MSc as each will push your 3rd class degree up one tear. Therefore in their eyes you will end up with a 2:1


I think you should work in any job, save money for an MSc or MA, try to get a better result there and then you'll have more options in your life. A third class doesn't look good on your CV, doing a Master and getting a 2.1 or better could improve your future career prospects