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grounded theory


Hi I am doing qualitative research using glasers GT for a masters degree, how many interviews should I be doing before I start to do axial coding. I have done 7 interviews and used open coding but I think I am starting to get common themes and was thinking of going to the next coding level. Any advise would be much appreciated,


As I understand GT (and I may be wrong) there is no right or wrong number of intreviews.
You start coding when you start having common themes and you stop coding when there is nothing new...
I guess if you are having common themes with 7 interviews start coding, and continue interviewing


it describes everything nicely


I agree with Emmaki; you need to read up on theoretical sampling. Also each coding stage segues into the next and also happens concurrently. Therefore while 7 interviews doesn't sound too much, were they in-depth interviews? If they were only 10 minutes then it is unlikely you will get much out of them, but if, and they probably were, much longer than of course you can start to extract themes etc.

Chapter III, page 45 o.w of The Discovery of Grounded Theory (1967) is the chapter that deals with theoretical sampling. It is also covered in every other GT book.


I am using constructivist grounded theory (Kathy Charmaz's 2006 version) to study the idea of 'success' within a transnational feminist campaign. I am concerned about the quantity of interviews / document analysis i will need in order to gain a 'transnational' picture, as well as sufficient 'rich data'. My supervisor has also suggested that I look across 2 campaigns, but I am unsure as to whether GT lends itself to comparative analysis. Can anyone offer any advice?

Thanks :-)