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Problem with Supervisor


Hello, I am extremely stressed about my situation and I'm not sure what to do so any help would be appreciated.

So I took a directed studies course with my supervisor. It seems that he missed the deadline of the submission and now he refused to submit my grade, so the mark appears as a zero on my transcript. I am in my final stretch of my master's degree and now I am one credit short of graduating. For the course i wrote a 20 paged report and i managed to generate a publication. So now I feel like i am out of options.
It's too late to change supervisors and I am no longer on track to graduate. If I do decide to take a course to make up for the credits, I will be over worked for the semester and I'm not sure i can meet the target graduation deadline. Due to my financial situation , I will not be able to continue my education. I have been trying to get a meeting with him for the last 3 months with no success.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue ? The stress has gotten to me and I have not been able to sleep and in turn work and i fear that this is going to get worst. Seeing as we are still on holiday hours, I cannot reach anyone in administration until the 6th.



It seems you're in the US and I have no idea how things work there so I can only tell you what I would suggest to someone here in the UK, which is to go and talk to the tutor in charge of your master's degree. There should be a named individual in charge of coordinating all the different modules or courses on your degree programme. If you submitted your work on time, you have a right to have it marked, and if your supervisor can't/won't do it, then there is almost certainly another tutor who can. At the uni where I work, there is system for adding grades to exam board and registry records if a tutor makes a mistake or misses a deadline. Transcripts can be changed and reissued. Good luck.


I agree with the above comments. If you've done the work and the only issue is a technical error, it can be easily sorted.


This is quite a old message but problem supervisions still exist . The university i finished the MA not good enough good phd supervisors either. some had little research topic or not enough experience. That's what supervison goes wrong. Some academic changing due to personal, political, economic ,health , retirement or other factors which affect MA or Phd training to academic performance. It's better choose a better university in long term for Ma to Phd training to research or academic job. Otherwise, I had finished my MA and some research certificate but still looking for a Phd supervisor in the right field or the right university in this 20 yrs. some universities is completely wasting people time when there is not enough Phd level supervisons or keep changing staffs. Government should give more funding on phd programme for more academic jobs to adjust the globalisation world.