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Research project selection


im currently studying for my MSc molecular biology..and going to start my research project in this June.

Can someone please tell me what area of research would help me to quickly find a job in UK?
I preffer doing some cancer research...



Well surely if you want to work in cancer research then there must be a particular area within that field that you are interested in and therefore want to work in. So that would be a good place to start coming up with ideas for a project, get on to google and do a bit of research into what sorts of things are currently being done in your preferred area.


Where are you doing your MSc? I'm in Birmingham and there's a Cancer Studies institute here, they specialise in viruses mostly...

I'd look on University websites as well, try and find a supervisor who has a similar interest and give 'em an email? ??? Just a thought.


what is best Cancer research or Proteomics...?


Why not combine the two?


i mean, in terms of job availability.


Well you have just as good pospects in either to be honest.. Cancer research is a huge area and continually advancing, and cancer is on the increase so there should be jobs out there. Then proteomics is like all the -omics technologies out there, they are advancing and being adapted to lots of different areas of research and so again there will be jobs out there.