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======= Date Modified 22 Jun 2011 16:35:22 =======

In my department people seem to think its a bit, I dunno, arrogant maybe or just a bit pushy to be on it. But I'm starting to think (as I'm applying for jobs and our uni website is dire and we can't update it so I've basically got a biog from 2006), that I might make a profile on there.


I've considered it, but because I'm a non-affiliated post-doc (apart from a temporary honorary research fellowship) I'm not sure I'd fit into it. It seems to be based all around institutions, and missing out people who are independent researchers. Or maybe I've got that wrong? Would be delighted to be wrong :p I am on LinkedIn though.

ooh I got the impression you could sign up as an independent person, like you would on facebook. hmm not sure??

on their FAQ it looks like you can affiliate yourself with more than one uni, so I guess you could affiliate yourself with wherever you did your PhD/work etc.


Ok I could do that, but I'd rather just be independent! Seeems a bit wrong to hang on to the old uni like something that won't go away :p

I've just had a quick lurk on a friends page and she's following someone who is an independent researcher, so maybe its doable!


Ok great. I'll poke around the site a bit more. Thanks for the prod!


Just signing up now. It asks you to either specify your uni + department OR to tick an independent researcher box. Excellent!


I joined a year or so ago, but didn't get into it much. Does anyone here see its benefits? Also it gets a bit spooky when you constantly receive notifications from them saying 'someone just searched for you on google'.