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Crocs shoes - has the world gone mad?


I mean - they are hideous.


I can see a place for them if you are on a boat, in the garden or perhaps on the beach.. but as an everyday fashion item... mmm no.. they are terrible hehe


Tunics: that's another fashion mistake. I tried one on and it made me look like a little mushroom.


i heard the original crocs are extremely comfortable. me being who i am, i like to mismatch and provoke by not looking adapted - comfort is a high priority, however. that's why i think crocs are cool: ugly, bright colours, comfortable! - they are way too expensive for me, though (the original ones, anyway)


they look like gardeners shoes...!


I thought they looked like overgrown toddlers shoes....


I am sure they are very comfy, nevertheless so are birkenstocks, flip flops, bumps, wedges & trainers, none of which are the ugliest lump of middle class rainbow emporer's new shoes known to humankind. Sorry Shani, you seem such a nice person, so I am duty bound to tell you don't do it. Your feet will never recover.


thanks pea
i guess i'll just stick with my children's trainers.


I agree. *Vomits.*


They look like they type of shoes a garden gnome would wear, therefore they are wrong.


I think they are fine...if you are under the age of 10. And lets not forget those Jibbitz things that you can buy to decorate them - they just make ugly shoes uglier.


i have a pair - of them, for the garden, they are great for gardening. I wouldn't dream of wearing them out though. Mind you, i did have a bit of a problem yesterday, I was cutting the hedge stepped up to reach a high bit, and stood in a hidden pot of water ugh!!!!!!


How strange...I noticed a women in town this morning wearing what looked like theatre shoes and wondered if she were a Dr. who had forgotten to change from her scrubs then I see this post and all becomes clear!!!!
Mmmmm not my cup of tea but good for paddling in streams.


On another forum I visit, they are obsessed with them, and I so don't get it....glad to see people have more sense here.


I have seen rip-offs of these shoes called Geckos.. craziness.