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first bit of work of the 7.40pm?!


this is me just trying to do my first bit of work for the day, and it's well into the evening. In fact, who am i kidding, if i actually get some work done, it'll really be the first this week.

sorry to moan, but it just seems impossible for me to get anything done at the moment. I've got loads to do, but every time i sit down to do it, my mind just goes blank and fuzzy, and it's the absolute last thing in the universe i want to do. So i do some exercise, or have some lunch, watch a program on the telly, or read a bit of a book, kidding myself on that i'll do the work after that. and before i know it, i've wasted the day, and the works still waiting.

the only reason i'm even trying to work now is because my husband's working late, and there's nothing on the telly. and all the time that i don't get the work done, it just lowers my opinion of myself, which just makes it harder next time i try to work!

I know this is just a bit of a boring moan, but i just wanted to post on here, because i'm sure others will have been through the same thing. and it'd just be good to hear that someone knows what i'm talking about. If i mention it to family of friends, all i'll get is 'it'll be fine'. which it probably will be, i know, but it's driving me nuts at the moment!!

so if anyone has any hints or tips on how to get out of this, or just wants to say 'i'm doing the same', it'll be greatly appreciated!


I'm exactly the same! I managed to do a bit today but I'm finding it incredibly hard to do anything constructive for some reason at the moment. It makes me feel terrible, raises my stress levels further which acts as a vicious circle because then I'm too uptight to sit and do anything. I've written maybe 500 words today :-( That's the first 500 words this month - HELP!!!!!

I've seen on here people suggesting that when you're stuck in this rut that you do something very quick and simple, just something small to get the ball rolling - I keep promising myself I'll do that but having a deadline just a few days away for a paper for publication (see above.....) is meaning that I can't do that, its all or nothing.... and its ending up as nothing :-( I've got to face my sup at work tomorrow and I know that he'll ask how its going - dammit! Why can't I just knuckle down and get on with it???


thanks for understanding! over the last few weeks, i have tried the 'doing small tasks' bit, and it does make you feel you've accomplished something that day. but at the same time, i'm good at picking very small tasks that contribute so little to the work i'm trying to clear, that i don't know if it's helpful, or if i'm really just deluding myself!

i'm getting into the same problems as you, by leaving it late to do stuff. i used to be good at that, and i would know that no matter what, when it came down to it, it would get done. but these days, it just doesn't get done! i can always convince myself that i'll be so much better tomorrow and get loads done, but that version of tomorrow never comes!

anyway, guess i'd better just stop mumping about it, and try get something done. You know if someone could create a 'getting your phd done' pill, they'd be multi-billionaires;-)