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how bad was your Monday morning?


As if Monday's aren't bad enough, I came downstairs to my housemate's favourite bowl in pieces all over the kitchen floor - fantastic - but it gets worse, i assumed this was one of the cats that had been a bit playful, i went into the living room to discover the cats had also broken in the the gerbil cage and killed my boyfriend's gerbil - fantastic! Needless to say he was distraught, i feel terribly terribly guilty (the cats are considered to be more my thing)and the cats, (we know which one it was just can't prove it) are in big trouble.


oh no! sorry to hear that rah. You must feel awful. Did you give him the news yet?


I did yes, he was very upset, but quite understanding. I feel terribly guilty and the cats are in big trouble, although it's not really their fault. I guess these things happen, I'm hoping he won't want to get anymore, i get so upset when they die usually, but this time is much worse!


It's unpredictable. We had cats and a budgie for two years with no problem, then one night we came down to an open cage and a pile of feathers on the carpet (and one very sheepish-looking cat).

It's normal to feel guilty (even though it most definitely wasn't your fault): it shows that you have concern for other people.


My cat ate my hamster too and its not nice!
I loved my cat and it is in their nature but i was very angry with my cat!!


Oh no, how awful! But thanks for sharing your sad stories.
Got it a bit more in perspecitve now, my boyfriend didn't say the cats had to go back to the RSPCA so that's ok. I spent most of the day either in tears or close to tears - not very productive really!


aww poor rah. Please don't blame yourself (nor the cats; behaviours like this is in their nature). You will need better arrangements next time your bf wants to adopt a gerbil. On the other hand, maybe it's not fair on either of the animals to be put in the same house (especially when one of them is in a cage).


I don't blame the cats, they can't help their instincts. I agree, it's werid how they'd been living together quite happily for a year. I going to try to talk my boyfriend out of getting any more, but at the very least we'll need a new cage and rules about rooms and the like. To be honest I'm not totally confortable with animals in cages, i feel a bit guilty (bit of a common theme). The gerbil was buried in the garden next to his brother tonight(who died of natural causes not long ago). Hoping for a better day tomorrow, thanks for the kind replies!