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How cluttered is your mind?


Your Mind is 29% Cluttered
Your mind is very free. You've liberated yourself from most worries and problems.
And even if something does start to clutter your mind, you're easily able to let it go.

For a PhD student, is this good? Is this bad? Should I be even more cluttered?


I'm not even going to attempt it, I would rather not know!


OMG - my mind is practically OVERFLOWING! it's going to burst...right after my last exam!!!


Your Mind is 44% Cluttered Your mind is starting to get cluttered, and as a result, it's a little harder for you to keep focused.
Try to let go of your pettiest worries and concerns. The worrying is worse than the actual problems

hmmm....not sure what this says about me?


Oh dear:

"Your Mind is 85% Cluttered Your mind is incredibly cluttered. You have so much going on in there, it's hard to think straight.
Consider talking to a therapist. It's a good idea to sort through your thoughts, if only to see which ones are worth hanging on to.

I don't think I'll be taking any more of these tests!


I am keeping uncluttered in my mind by enjoying the track and field ( I think that is Athletics in British English?) on the BBC...the mens 100 meters race is on..........fantastic to watch, Usian Bolt from Jamaica is running well, almost like a job, and so far ahead of the rest...and love watching the track and field aspects of the Olympics, darn, the semi and finals are tomorrow, but other track and field events on this afternoon. Right, time to go grab some lunch!¬